

Have you made your voice heard at the ballot box today?

Polls are open from now until 7:00 pm, and this Election Day is too important to skip out on. Today, we will decide who represents us in Jackson for the next four years.

The status quo has failed us at every turn, and I’m running for State Representative because I know what needs to be done to put Mississippi back on the path to prosperity.

If you have already caste your ballot in this important election, respond and let me know! If you have any questions at all or need transportation to and from the polls, please feel free to call or text me on my personal cell at (901) 500-6283.

Don’t send more establishment RINOs to the Jackson swamp. Vote for me, John T. Williams, and I promise to serve as your voice in the House.

Polls close in 3 hours, and I hope I have earned your vote.

Thank you and God Bless,

John T. Williams
Candidate for Mississippi State House
District 28