February 21, 2020
Latest columns

February 21, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

February 21, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Michael Bloomberg's fellow Democrats didn't want to talk about how he has made his billions through an extremely successful computer program that analyzes global financial markets. His Bloomberg terminals represent innovations in financial technology that emerged in 1982 and have made him a billionaire. He has generated wealth for many people.... (more)

February 21, 2020
BRYAN FISCHER ? The fundamental divide in life is quite simple: God loves people, environmental activists don't. In God's worldview, man is created in his image for the purpose of procreation and to exercise dominion over all the earth and over every living thing that lives on it. "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth" (Genesis 1:26).... (more)

February 21, 2020
LLOYD MARCUS ? It was an exciting time. In 2009, a grassroots movement of concerned Americans scheduled 800 Tea Party rallies nationwide on tax day, April 15th. Forty percent of tea partiers had voted for Obama, naively believing it would end our nation's racial divide. They did not realize that Obama was a Trojan Horse -- a progressive-warrior hiding inside his black-skin exterior.... (more)

February 21, 2020
JERRY NEWCOMBE ? Ours is an historically illiterate age -- despite our technological advances. Just in time for Presidents' Day 2020 (which honors George Washington) comes a new book and a three-part TV mini-series on the History Channel, which apparently questions many aspects of the moral character of Washington.... (more)

February 21, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Bloomberg's campaign, we can officially report, is on life support, with a respirator and feeding tube, with little to no hope of recovery. He was literally ripped to shreds in Wednesday's debate. He spent half a billion dollars to get there and didn't know how to prepare. He embarrassed himself in an unmitigated disaster.... (more)

February 21, 2020
NEWSMAX ? After all the controversy about Attorney General Bill Barr allegedly yielding to criticisms over the sentencing recommendation for Trump confidant Roger Stone, Barr wound up being "vindicated" on Thursday, according to constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley.... (more)

February 20, 2020
Destroys claim more witnesses needed
WORLDNETDAILY ? Remember those last-minute confession-type comments from former National Security Adviser John Bolton that appeared to bolster Democrats' impeach-Donald Trump agenda -- just as the impeachment vote was developing in the U.S. Senate? A publicity stunt.... (more)

February 20, 2020
BYRON YORK ? Michael Bloomberg had a lot of bad moments in his first debate as a Democratic candidate for president. He had little to say when Elizabeth Warren slammed him for having called some women, at various times in the past, "fat broads" and "horse-faced lesbians." He seemed conflicted about stop-and-frisk. He was weak when confronted with his practice of making some women who worked for him sign non-disclosure agreements.... (more)

February 20, 2020
Also, coverage of Trump's Phoenix rally
BITCHUTE ? Show's topics: President Trump hammers "Mini Mike" Bloomberg over farmer comments; Bernie Sanders likens himself to communist Nelson Mandela; Buttigieg says real Christians can't support Trump; more developments.... (more)

February 20, 2020
Discusses Blagojevich sentence commutation, confidence in Barr
YOUTUBE ? Trump: I agree that my tweets make Barr's job harder... (more)

February 20, 2020
See especially his remarks on 'adversity' at 14:47
YOUTUBE ? Former Illinois governor out of prison after President Trump commutes his sentence.... (more)

February 20, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Former Utah congressman and Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz reacts to the news of the day... (more)

February 20, 2020
Black leaders challenge NY Times' account of American origins
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON ? A group of predominantly African-American academics, journalists, entrepreneurs, and community activists on Friday launched one of the most significant challenges yet to the New York Times's controversial 1619 Project, which is named for the year slaves arrived in Virginia and argues that the United States was founded on racism.... (more)

February 17, 2020
WASHINGTON EXAMINER ? Sen. Ted Cruz warned Democrats could destroy the country if they are allowed to implement aggressive reforms to combat climate change. "What is dangerous about the climate movement is it has become an emotional primal scream, rather than being driven by science," the Texas Republican said in a campaign ad released Tuesday.... (more)

February 17, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? Facing a serious health problem but with millions of Americans praying for him, Rush Limbaugh has demonstrated that he is still in the game, as he declared the other day on his radio show that "America's still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage president." He was referring to Pete Buttigieg, the clean-cut Harvard grad who smoked pot in college, turned gay, married another man in church, and leads the fourth-largest city in Indiana.... (more)

February 17, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Bloomberg isn't running on anything, not because he doesn't have ideas. He's got plenty of ideas, and some of them are far outside the mainstream. He's trying to buy the presidency. It's the single most cynical political campaign ever run in this country.... (more)

February 17, 2020

February 17, 2020
NEW YORK POST ? President Trump gets credit -- and takes heat -- for many things, but many folks don't even know about one of his best accomplishments: blocking the federal government's power grab for control of America's suburbs.... (more)

February 17, 2020
YOUTUBE ? Victor Davis Hanson speaks about Trumpism May 26, 2017, at Hillsdale College's Kirby Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Hanson is the Wayne & Marcia Buske Distinguished Fellow in History at Hillsdale College, the Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, and a professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, Fresno. He earned his B.A. at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his Ph.D. from Stanford University.... (more)

February 17, 2020
Mild language advisory
YOUTUBE ? 2020 presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren (Kate McKinnon), Andrew Yang (Bowen Yang), Pete Buttigieg (Colin Jost), Amy Klobuchar (Rachel Dratch), Bernie Sanders (Larry David), Joe Biden (Jason Sudeikis) and Michael Bloomberg (Fred Armisen) face off in a debate.... (more)

February 16, 2020
DAILY WIRE ? Left-wing journalist Jorge Ramos repeatedly fact-checked Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden during an interview on Friday after Biden repeatedly lied about his record as vice president in the Obama administration. "With the deportations, most of the people that you deported, they didn't have a criminal record," Ramos said. "Is that wrong? Because you haven't, many are people are expecting you to apologize for that, to say that it was wrong."... (more)

February 16, 2020
Activist Tomeka Hart withheld deep hostility toward President Trump and his associates – all of whom she viewed as a ?virtual criminal enterprise'
JONATHAN TURLEY ? She was Juror No. 1261, and her examination by the federal court and counsel before the trial was anything but notable. And that is precisely the problem. Juror 1261, we now know, was Tomeka Hart. Her identity would have remained publicly unknown except for a public statement she made after the Department of Justice (DOJ) rescinded its initial sentencing recommendation for Trump confidant Roger Stone. In the midst of the firestorm of allegations of political interference, Hart disclosed that she was the foreperson on the Stone jury and gave a full-throated defense of the trial prosecutors: "It pains me to see the DOJ now interfere with the hard work of the prosecutors."... (more)

February 16, 2020
FOX NEWS ? Sean Hannity weighed in Friday on former Trump associate Roger Stone, Attorney General William Barr and former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, saying that "justice" is on the line in this country. "We now see that the corruption at the highest levels of government ... unequal justice, a lack of equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law, a two-tiered justice system operated by a group of, again, the one percent [of] lawless, vindictive, evil government officials," Hannity said on his television program. "All of this is on the line in this country and it matters how it turns out."... (more)

February 16, 2020
TONY PERKINS ? It sounds like an episode of "The Americans" or a best-selling Tom Clancy novel. But when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo looked into the faces of 40 governors and warned them that China had infiltrated their states, he wasn't kidding.... (more)

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