
First, House Republicans are threatening a government shutdown because of their disagreements with each other.

Then, they put vital nutrition programs at risk of being cut and are moving to push through a sham impeachment of President Biden.

Now, we need to do everything we can to protect Frank’s seat and support leaders who want to solve problems and create positive outcomes for our communities.

Can you pitch in $5 today to support our campaign and fuel Frank’s work?

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Frank has made great progress for Northwest Indiana, including passing legislation to invest in our infrastructure and steel industry, create good-paying jobs, and reduce costs for families.

But the National Republican Congressional Committee made him a top target for 2024, and they’re raising record-breaking amounts of money in order to defeat him.

Now more than ever, we need to protect pragmatic leaders like Frank who are committed to getting things done and making life better for everyday working families.

That’s why we’re counting on your support today. John, pitch in today to help us protect Frank’s seat and flip the House.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support,

— Team Mrvan