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Dear Community,

As we work to realize the promise of equity, we know that corporations have a powerful role to play. That is why we are working in partnership with FSG, JUST Capital, and many others through the Corporate Racial Equity (CRE) Alliance to develop a unified approach for businesses to tackle inequality and meaningfully advance equity. Working together across sectors to create solutions at the scale of the structural challenges we face is key to our success. The Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action makes this more important than ever.

As universities grapple with the Court’s ruling, employers are finding themselves at an inflection point in their efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The course they choose will have long-term impacts on the stability of their workforce and strength of their business. Our corporate standards tackling inequality will provide the pathway for businesses to make meaningful progress. What some see as the end of affirmative action is just the beginning for corporate DEI. Read our latest article on how companies must double down on DEI.


CRE Alliance: Past, Present, and Future

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Broad stakeholder engagement is instrumental to ensuring our standards are maximally actionable and impactful. In the spring of 2022, the CRE Alliance hosted our second public comment period on the corporate standards. We received thousands of comments from hundreds of individuals reflecting a wide array of lived experience and expertise. In early 2024, we will share a synthesis of the public comments and an explanation of how we are incorporating the rich feedback in the standards. As part of our development process, we are excited to be testing the draft standards with companies in 2023 and 2024 through a series of pilots.

Your voice is critical to our success! Stay tuned for our next public comment period with the release of the corporate standards in early 2024.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Individuals: Update your email preferences to ensure you don't miss CRE Alliance emails and to stay informed on our standards development, including opportunities to lend your voice to this important work. Moving forward, these emails will come from the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance. 
  • Companies: Participate in our standards pilot. If you meet the criteria for participation, reach out to us at [email protected] to indicate your company’s interest and to learn more. 

Partner Spotlight

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Greenlining Institute’s Just Futures Summit provides a unique opportunity to hear some of the most important voices in the racial equity movement — advocates, issue area experts, organizers, educators, and community leaders. Don’t miss 2023’s keynote speaker, award-winning author and comedian, W. Kamau Bell. Learn more and register for the 2023 Just Future Summit.

Greenlining Institute works towards a future where communities of color can build wealth, live in healthy places filled with economic opportunity, and are ready to meet the challenges posed by climate change. 

Resource Spotlight

In light of the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action, here are some resources to support companies in creating a fairer, more level playing field for workers and our next generation of leaders:

Keep in Touch and Stay Up to Date

Learn more about the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance founding partners: FSG, JUST Capital, and PolicyLink.

Reach out with questions to [email protected]


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