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What They Are Saying!

Eric Doden launched his first TV ad this past week, and the media is taking notice. Here is what they are saying! 

"Eric Doden (R) is using some of the $5 million his campaign says he has raised to date to become the first gubernatorial candidate to hit television... The first introduces voters to “the Eric Doden his friends and family know: a man of faith, proud conservative, pro-life champion, and job creator with a proven track record of rebuilding and restoring communities,” -Indiana Legislative Insight, Hannah News Service 

"However, in contrast to his opponents, Doden has released detailed campaign proposals” -Axios 

 "The grandson of a preacher" those are the first words of Fort Wayne businessman Eric Doden's first TV ad, and the first TV ad of the Indiana governor's race. The ad calls him a job-creator, visionary leader, anti-abortion champion and family man." -IndyStar

"The 30-second spot, “Grandson of a Preacher,” which began running on TV stations in Fort Wayne and South Bend on Tuesday, highlights the Republican candidate’s Christian faith, his roots in the small town of Butler northeast of Fort Wayne, his pro-life values and his record as a “job creator.” -IBJ's The Rundown


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