Hi John, here's an update on the latest.
We've got the guts to say what you're thinking.


One Nation continues to push the boundaries when it comes to being open and available to the Australian people as we work to bring you information from the sides of the debate mainstream media likes to ignore.

To that effect, this week, One Nation's leader sat down with Professor Peter Ridd while taking calls from everyday Aussies and broadcasted the entire live event for over two hours!
If you are not familiar with Professor Ridd, he is a well-known expert on the Great Barrier Reef who was fired from James Cook University in North Queensland for blowing the whistle on the misinformation being pushed about the Great Barrier Reef.
The entire discussion is well worth watching as the panel covers many interesting issues, so make sure you check it out.
We will continue to bring you more of these types of conversation in the future. Make sure you keep an eye on One Nation's social media accounts, so you don't miss out on seeing them live.


The NSW upper house Education Committee, chaired by One Nation NSW state leader Mark Latham, has released its blueprint for getting their schools back on track.

This comes just days after One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson tabled her landmark Bill to end the indoctrination of our children in our schools.
It is great to see the battle to get back to basics and restore sanity to our classrooms gain even more momentum.
With One Nation driving the education reform agenda across the country, there is now some hope on the horizon when it comes to making sure our children start receiving world-class education once again.



In the era of climate hysteria, all that stands between Australians and the left's agenda of economic suicide are those willing to speak the truth in defence of the industries that power this nation.

This is what One Nation's Robin Scott MLC for Western Australia's Mining and Pastoral Region, does day after day in the WA Upper house.

Having personal expertise working on the Barrow Island and the North West Shelf gas field projects, Robin is well qualified to speak about the great lengths Australian workers go to to protect the environment.

Having worked in the real world, Robin knows what the Green politicians that never leave their offices in the city fail to understand.

It is projects like these that drive the wealth generation of the country; they employ hundreds of thousands of Australians, and they are the backbone of our entire economy.

That is why it is so important that we have One Nation members like Robin standing up and putting down the climate alarmists who would see these projects closed down and Australia sent back to the dark ages.

That is this weeks recap from One Nation. 

While you're here, we'd love to ask a favour. We are a party with fewer resources than Labor with their union donations and the Liberals with their big corporates, but with your help and by listening to the people, we can achieve real change in parliament for the betterment of the country.

One Nation is run on purely grassroots support. We rely on the contributions of mums, dads, daughters and sons from the top to bottom of Australia to stay running as a party and every dollar counts.

We appreciate times are tough but even a small amount of support makes a difference. Your help enables us to keep up the fight in politics and get Australia back on track.
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