Hello John,
I want to quickly share with you some fantastic news.
Because of you, over 27 THOUSAND babies have been rescued from abortion over the past 13 years through Human Coalition. Your commitment to saving children from abortion has been remarkable.
Can you believe that? Because of you and so many other courageous people like you, more than 27,000 children are alive today that otherwise wouldn’t be.
As you know, Planned Parenthood has been viciously fighting to expand access to abortion through the abortion pill. The abortion industry is now shipping the abortion pill into states that have outright banned abortion, like Texas. Even babies in states that have banned abortion are not safe from being killed by one. How crazy is that? And that’s why your ongoing support of these children in the womb is so crucial.
To beat Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, the pro-life movement must be one unified, lifesaving force. There are many great pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers in America. And by all working together, the pro-life movement can defeat Planned Parenthood — and protect more children in the womb from death.
I want you to know that your support makes the pro-life movement strong for the work ahead. In fact, there’s one way you’re strengthening this movement to rescue children from abortion that you may not be aware of…
You are giving pregnancy centers around the country the tools to reach more moms facing crisis pregnancies. Through your support of Human Coalition, these centers are able to help more moms see they have a better choice than abortion: the choice of life.
John, I’d love for you to meet the Chief Operating Officer of one of these pregnancy centers, Janet Custer.
In this special video, you will see how your support is bringing the pro-life movement together and rescuing more children. You can watch Janet’s video here: www.humancoalition.org/why-i-love-human-coalition |
Thank you for your commitment to rescuing children from abortion! You are a blessing. And you’re what makes partnerships like the one with Janet’s pregnancy center possible. So, thank you again!
For Children and Families,
Rachel Lane
Vice President of Family Services
P.S. — John, thank you for your continued support! Don’t miss this special video about how you’re strengthening the pro-life movement: www.humancoalition.org/why-i-love-human-coalition
Human Coalition
P.O. BOX 5347
Frisco, TX 75035-9920 |
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