Last week’s jobs report is positive news for working people across the country. Not only have we added 3.8 million more jobs since before the pandemic, unemployment is near a 50-year low and average hourly wages have risen by 4.4% since last year.
President Biden and Democrats’ policies are tearing down the last vestiges of Reagan-era trickle-down economics, investing in working people, not millionaires, billionaires, and corporations. The next step in tearing down trickle-down economics is taxing billionaire wealth.
We’re building support for President Biden’s Billionaire Minimum Income Tax, which would tax household wealth over $100 million, ensuring the very wealthiest households are paying federal income taxes each year, just like working people do with each paycheck.
Donate today to fight for a Billionaire Minimum Income Tax and tear down trickle-down once and for all.
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Our economy grows by investing in working people, not by cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations.
Thank you,
Maura Quint
Campaign Director
Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund
-- David's email --
The unemployment rate has dropped to a near 50-year low and average hourly wages have risen by 4.4% from last year. President Biden and Democrats are showing how policies that invest in working people create an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy few.
But there’s still more work to do. The next step in tearing down decades of Reagan-era trickle-down economics is taxing the wealth gains of the ultra-wealthy.
President Biden has called for Congress to pass a Billionaire Minimum Income Tax, which would place a 25% tax on the annual wealth gains of households worth $100 million or more. We know that when the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, we can invest in critical services for working families like public education, affordable healthcare, housing, nutrition, and more.
Donate today to build support for the Billionaire Minimum Income Tax and complete the tear down of trickle-down economics.
For too long, our tax code has rewarded wealth, not work with America’s wealthiest households paying a far lower tax rate than working families pay. This is because the majority of millionaires’ and billionaires’ income comes from investments, not wages.
Since millionaires and billionaires only pay taxes on assets that they sell, they can go years, if not forever, without paying a dime in federal income taxes. Instead, they live off of loans with ridiculously low interest rates, backed up by their obscene wealth.
President Biden and Democrats are fighting to end decades of trickle-down economics. Last year, we helped pass a Corporate Profits Minimum Tax on billion-dollar corporations that ensured the most profitable corporations in America can no longer get away with paying $0 in federal income taxes. Those huge corporations will now consistently pay taxes on those profits to fund services for working people, instead of just padding the pockets of wealthy investors.
The next step in tearing down trickle-down economics is passing President Biden’s Billionaire Minimum Income Tax. Donate today to demand millionaires and billionaires pay taxes each year on their wealth gains, just like working people pay on their wages.
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Together, we’ve changed the national conversation at dinner tables around the country by fighting for an economy that puts working people first, not millionaires, billionaires, and corporations.
Thank you for being with us in this fight,
David Kass
Executive Director
Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund