URGENT ORCA PETITION: The LAST of only 75 Southern Resident killer whales in the
world are struggling to survive while greedy corporations are raking in profits!
Friend, we had a momentary celebration for the recent
births of TWO baby orcas -- born in the same pod of the beloved deceased matriarch, Marina! As we mourn
the tragic deaths of both Cappuccino and Marina and celebrate the newborn orca
calves, Big Oil is working on corporate megaprojects that put the remaining
vulnerable orcas at risk of EXTINCTION.
Orcas cannot endure another loss of their surviving family members. The loss of
one orca can induce stress and grief which can lead to miscarriage, starvation, and death. Friend, these precious newborn orcas need help from environmentalists like YOU
to protect them from corporate destruction! Sign the petition right now to give
these orcas a fighting chance>>
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[[link removed]]Greedy fossil fuel polluters intrude on our oceans with construction,
high-volume traffic, and massive vessels that release harmful contaminants into these innocent mammals’ habitats. Noise pollution from ships also disrupts whales’ echolocation abilities, making it difficult to communicate with one another and locate food to feed
themselves and their young.
This is not stopping Big Oil and the shipping industry from expanding a MASSIVE terminal that would increase ship traffic. This can pose a great risk of oil
spewing into our oceans, polluting our waterways, and destroying our planet all in the name of greed and profit! Friend, add your voice before 11:59pm TONIGHT to protect
vulnerable marine mammals and STOP megaprojects from destroying our one and only
planet. Will you help us?
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[[link removed]]Thank you for taking action,
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