Hey John, 


I just wanted to make sure you got this email before tomorrow. 


In less than 12 hours, the polls are going to open for the special election in Ohio where voters will decide the fate of Issue 1. YDA is trying to do everything we can to defeat Issue 1 and to help the Ohio Young Dems as best we can. This is your last chance to help make an impact before they head to the polls. Can you spare even $10 right now to help get Young Dems to the polls tomorrow?


You can donate anything you can afford here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ydaohno1


Thank you for your consideration and for your ongoing support. 


- Quentin 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Young Democrats of America" <[email protected]>
To: Quentin Wathum-Ocama <[email protected]>
Sent: Sun, August 6, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Subject: Only 2 Days left to Defeat Issue 1!  



Now more than ever, it is crucially important that we support our friends in Ohio in defeating Issue 1 this Tuesday. This vote could decide the fate of Ohio’s access to Abortion in November of 2023 and could decide the fate of America in 2024.


It’s time for all hands on deck! 



Right now, we have Young Dems calling in from all over the country into Ohio to make sure we can protect democracy and we have a little over 48 hours to contact every last voter in Ohio. We can’t do that without your help. We have had immense support from people like you over the past few weeks and we want to keep that momentum going.


Can you donate $20.23 or anything you can afford right now to get more of our Young Dem volunteers out there in the field? Every little bit helps and could make difference on Aug 8.