John —

It’s no secret: Farming in the United States is in crisis.

Corporate America is purchasing agricultural land at a breakneck pace, forcing family farms out of business and hollowing out rural America. The numbers are staggering:

Since 2009, the number of farms owned by investment corporations has tripled, and the value of farmland owned by these Wall Street investors has increased from $2 billion to $14 billion.

That’s why I’ve introduced legislation on the Senate Agriculture Committee, the Farmland for Farmers Act, to protect rural communities by ending speculative corporate investment in farmland and preventing these corporations from participating in federal farm subsidy programs.

John, if you agree that we must curb corporate consolidation of our farmland and protect family farms, then add your name as a citizen cosponsor of my Farmland for Farmers Act today.


My legislation would restrict big corporations and their subsidiaries, as well as pension and investment funds, from future purchasing or leasing of agricultural land.

With over 400 million acres of farmland projected to change ownership in the next decade, preventing further corporate consolidation is a major objective of this bill.

Food security and local economies depend on family farms, and I’m going to continue working to ensure we protect them.

Add your name as a citizen cosponsor of the Farmland for Farmers Act and join me today.

With love and gratitude,
