Dear Friend,
During the August 5th Pontifical
High Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Cardinal Burke gave
a glorious homily on the history of St. Mary Major Basilica in Rome –
Our Lady of the Snow, explaining the miraculous falling of snow sent
by Our Lady, that took place in August of 352.
Cardinal Burke stated:
“A miraculous snow fell upon the
Esquiline Hill during the intense heat of August in Rome, and Our Lady
appeared to the patrician John and his wife, and to Pope Liberius,
indicating that the snow fall marked the place in which she desired
the church to be built in honor of the mystery of God’s grace at work
in her for the salvation of the world.”
“On account of the miraculous fall
of snow, the anniversary of the dedication is celebrated by a yearly
“The wonderful legend stirs up in
our hearts profound joy and peace at the mystery of the Divine
Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the related mysteries of her
Immaculate Conception, her Perpetual Virginity, her Assumption, and
her Maternity of Divine Grace. By God’s will and grace, the Blessed
Virgin Mary cooperates fully in the saving work of her Divine Son. We
are so immeasurably blessed to have her as our Mother, the Mother of
Divine Grace, who never fails in doing God’s will and is ever ready to
assist us in doing what God asks us, especially in times of trial and

Rome recreates a miracle
snowfall every August.
His Eminence then explained how the
Basilica of St. Mary Major and the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe are
spiritually bonded.
“The celebration in the Shrine
Church here is filled with special joy and peace because the Shrine
Church, since May of 2011, enjoys a particular public spiritual bond
with the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, so that the faithful who come
on pilgrimage to the Shrine Church today, the Feast of the Dedication
of Our Lady of the Snows, can obtain a plenary indulgence. From the
very construction of the Shrine Church, its affinity with the Papal
Basilica of Saint Mary Major has been beautifully expressed by the
high altar with its baldacchino, modelled after the high altar and
baldacchino of Saint Mary Major.”
Next, Cardinal Burke spoke about
the Gospel and the Mother of God. Here is a beautiful
“The Virgin Mother of God, Our Lady
of Guadalupe, draws us to her Immaculate Heart, so that she may
manifest to us the Divine Mercy incarnate in God the Son, her Son, so
that she may lead us to place our hearts totally and forever in the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. The snow associated with the building of the
Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major is a symbol of the purity of her
Immaculate Heart and an inspiration for us to seek in the Sacred Heart
of Jesus the purification of our hearts from all sin and the
fortification of our hearts to follow Christ faithfully in all that we
think and say and do. In His Heart, we are one with the Immaculate
Heart of Mary in hearing the Word of God and in keeping it in our
daily living with all our heart.”
It is well worth reading the entire
homily, which can be found here.
May Mary, the Mother of God,
transform our hearts and bestow many graces upon us.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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