
August 7, 2023

Here is the Stand on the Word reading for today:

Mark 10 ESV | NKJV | AUDIO

Reflection Questions:

1) When asked a potential "gotcha" question by the religious leaders about divorce, what did Jesus communicate was God's original intention for human sexuality and marriage (v. 1-9)?

  1. God made us either male or female, so gender is fixed, not fluid
  2. God intends for marriage to be only between one man and one woman, so same-sex or polygamous "marriages" are prohibited
  3. God intends for marriage to last for life
  4. All of the above

2) According to Peter's recollections recorded by Mark, what was Jesus' statement about His mission as the messianic "Son of Man" (see v. 42-45)?

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May you encounter God today in the reading of His word!

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