Tiny paws wander across the forest floor. Eager pups get their first look at summer. These innocent wolves don’t notice the steel traps set by trophy hunters lurking in the trees. They don’t have time to react as the metal rips into their paws, painting the forest floor red. Their lives have barely begun, and now they’re in a struggle to survive.

This scene is common in Northern Rockies states that border Yellowstone. There are no safeguards to keep gray wolves safe from vicious trophy hunters. They’re KILLING OFF innocent and vulnerable wolves in droves -- and using the most CRUEL AND INHUMANE of hunting practices. 

The situation is dire, Friend, but there’s still hope for vulnerable wolves. Thanks to members like you, we can still make real change happen and protect wolves before it’s too late. But trophy hunters are doubling down against protections for these precious animals. We need to act now to give them a fighting chance: Will you speak up for defenseless wolf pups right away by adding your name to tell President Biden that we NEED Endangered Species Act Protections for wolves before they are WIPED OUT by cruel trophy hunters? Take action now! >>

Wolves had begun to make a slow but promising recovery over the past six decades. Last year, three baby wolf pups were born to the only wolf pack left in Colorado. The pups were suspected to be the first wolves born in Colorado in 80 years! Protected by the state, they were a symbol of hope for repopulation efforts. 

But wolves aren’t bound by state lines, meaning that the second they set their tiny paws onto Wyoming soil, they become vulnerable to the most brutal hunting practices we’ve seen. Sure enough, three mangled, bloody young wolf carcasses were found across Wyoming state lines.

Not even wolves in Yellowstone are safe from ruthless trophy hunters. The park recently lost a record high of 25 wolves, leaving only 89 behind. Yet the states that border Yellowstone still have limited safeguards to keep gray wolves safe from vicious trophy hunters and their inhumane practices.

Wolves are dynamited in their dens while nursing their pups. Baby wolves are left bleeding out in steel traps and slowly choking to death on snares in a futile attempt to escape. Trophy hunters unleash bloodhounds on them, tearing their flesh apart while they yelp for help that won’t come. Will you answer their desperate cries for help? These innocent wolves and pups are counting on us, Friend. We need 871 more signatures by 11:59 P.M. tonight to make a strong impression. Sign our urgent petition calling on life-saving ESA protections for wolves before it’s too late >>

Thanks for protecting gray wolves from brutal trophy hunters,
Friends of the Earth
