We have no time to lose.

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Dear John,

In a few weeks, the federal government will announce their 2020 budget. It’s a critical time of the year for our environment, when we’ll find out if the government will commit sufficient funding to fight climate change and protect our environment, or waste the precious little time we have in the race for our planet’s health.

The government is conducting budget consultations now, and we need to use this opportunity to tell them that we expect them to do the right thing. We elected this government to take strong climate action and protect the environment, and we won’t stand for less.

As you know, we are facing a climate emergency and a biodiversity crisis. Canadians are already experiencing floods, fires, ecological disruption and as our planet continues to warm, our collective well-being is deeply under threat. There is still time to chart a course to a safe future for all - but we won’t be able to stop this crisis without federal investments in climate action and nature conservation and biodiversity protection.

Raise your voice to make sure the government follows through on the promises that got them elected, and fund the action we need to fight climate change and protect our environment.


Tim Gray
Executive Director

P.S. Our work to protect the environment is not possible without your support. Please support our campaign with a donation. Thanks in advance for all your help!

Environmental Defence Canada - 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

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