The August Primary is now behind us, and the races are on for the General Election. And, as always, we have you covered with what’s going on in your own backyard. Read on…
Shift Washington

The August Primary is now behind us, and the races are on for the General Election. And, as always, we have you covered with what’s going on in your own backyard. Read on…
This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
This week’s interview is with Jackson Maynard, Executive Director of the Citizen Action Defense Fund (CADF), a non-profit organization in Washington State that aims to ensure government compliance with the rules and protection of constitutional rights. CADF asked Washington State Auditor Pat McCarthy to investigate financial and administrative issues within the King County Prosecuting Attorney's juvenile diversion program, but received a lackluster response from the Auditor. Maynard discussed his concerns about the program's problems and other legal actions CADF is taking to hold Governor Jay Inslee and Democrat lawmakers accountable for their extreme policies. Read more.
This week’s top story…
Marc Dones, the first CEO of the King County Regional Homelessness Authority (KCRHA), resigned after two years. During his tenure, homelessness in King County increased, and complaints arose about KCRHA’s unresponsiveness in cleaning up homeless encampments near schools. Despite receiving tens of millions in public funds, the authority failed to effectively address homelessness, with more people dying on the streets than moving into permanent housing. As support eroded, Dones resigned from his $247,000-per-year position. The search for his replacement is underway. The KCRHA approved a search committee, likely to be composed of members from the same liberal establishment that previously failed to find a suitable leader. Read more.
In case you missed it…
Spokane voters successfully qualified an anti-camping initiative for the November ballot. However, the initiative's fate hangs in the balance due to a lawsuit filed by Knoll Lowney, a Seattle-area lawyer known for frivolous attacks on conservatives. Lowney argues that citizens cannot use local ballot measures to override the authority granted to municipal governments by the Washington Legislature. If the lawsuit is successful, it could nullify the efforts of Spokane voters and prevent the initiative from going to the ballot. Read this story and more.
This week’s bit of inspiration…
Take a moment to enjoy the beautiful photography of a sunset over Bandon Beach in Oregon, courtesy of Former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler.