As Attorney General, William Barr has a sacred duty to impartially uphold our nation’s laws. But time and time again, Friend -- he has shown that his only real loyalty is to President Trump.
In a shocking move last week, Barr walked back sentencing recommendations for Roger Stone, former Trump campaign advisor and convicted felon -- just after Trump took to Twitter to complain that Stone’s punishment was too harsh.
This blatant bending to the president’s will was so appalling that four U.S. Attorneys resigned from Stone's case in protest. And now, over 2,000 former prosecutors and other Department of Justice officials have called for Barr’s resignation -- labeling his behavior "a grave threat to the fair administration of justice." [1]
Barr’s loyalty to Trump puts our democracy in danger -- and renders him unfit to serve as Attorney General. Congress has a duty to respond by removing him from office >>
Barr has perhaps done more than anyone besides Trump (or Mitch McConnell) to undermine the principle of independent oversight.
The Attorney General is supposed to defend our nation and our Constitution by making sure no one -- not even the president -- is above the law. They should be committed to upholding the values of our democracy, not serving any single party or politician.
But Barr is twisting the mandate of his office to do the president’s bidding. On top of his recent offenses, he brazenly misled the American public about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings to cover for his boss -- and his Department of Justice:
- Attempted to bury the whistleblower complaint that kickstarted Trump’s impeachment.
- Withheld crucial evidence about Trump's Ukraine phone call until right after the Senate voted not to hear from additional witnesses in its impeachment trial. [2]
Now, Barr's politicized Department of Justice is taking full control of legal matters of interest to Trump. Congress must impeach him and remove him from office.
Without a fair, impartial Attorney General -- there’s no one to defend our nation from lawless officials. I hope you’ll join me and speak out in this crucial moment.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
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