John, I’m sorry to bother you — but I had to reach out.

John, I’m sorry to bother you — but I had to reach out.

Yesterday, I asked if you would confirm your August Team Pelosi Membership to invest in the most critical swing districts and win back the House.

Today, I’m asking you one more time – because I still don’t see your name on our Membership list.

Whether or not we RECLAIM the House DEPENDS on what we do in moments like this. And my team is telling me that if we don’t step up our game IMMEDIATELY, we risk being OUTRAISED by Kevin McCarthy and his MAGA allies. I won’t let that happen — not after all the damage they’ve caused. So I’m asking you one final time, just HOURS before our End of Week Deadline: Will you be one of 10,000 Democrats I need to confirm their August Team Pelosi Membership and help rush resources to the districts that will decide this election? I don’t want to look back at this month and wish we did more while we still could. >>

NAME: John xxxxxx
ID: 103397370


Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi is the U.S. Representative for California’s 11th District.

She's fighting to help working families and protect America from the dangerous agenda of Kevin McCarthy.

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