
20+ Years Protecting the Delta

Friends -

The California Delta is the heart of our great state - a thriving ecosystem, a hub of agriculture, and a sanctuary for recreation.

It represents a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage, and I have devoted my career to standing with the Delta communities to protect and enhance this irreplaceable asset.

Together, we've protected our lands, supported our towns, and built a brighter future for our region.

In this newsletter, I'd like to share some of the milestones we've reached, as well as invite you to join me in the ongoing effort to ensure that the Delta continues to flourish.


Christopher Cabaldon

Candidate for State Senate District 3

Get Involved: Your Voice Matters!

Your involvement makes all the difference. Whether it's through donating or volunteering, your contribution is the cornerstone of our success.

By volunteering, you become part of a movement that safeguards our lands, waterways, and communities. Your time, whether knocking on doors or making phone calls, helps to spread our message far and wide.

If you can contribute financially, even a small donation fuels our campaign, empowering us to reach more people and make a lasting impact.


Endorsement From Vice-Mayor of Benicia!

I am excited to announce Benicia Vice-Mayor Terry Scott has endorsed my campaign! It’s an honor to have the support of both the Mayor and Vice-Mayor of one of the largest cities in Solano County.

Having served as mayor of West Sacramento for over 20 years, I understand the importance of having dedicated leaders like Terry at the local level. I look forward to working Terry and Mayor Steve Young to ensure we preserve the Delta’s environmental and agricultural assets while investing in communities that are too often forgotten or left behind.

My Long History Standing Up for Delta Communities

As a member of the Delta Protection Commission for two decades, I have a deep understanding of our Delta region and the needs of its diverse communities.

When I joined the Commission in 2000, suburban sprawl was bulldozing our prime farmland and sensitive habitats; the pressure on levees and our water supply was mounting with no end in sight. That's why I worked hard to implement the “Land Use and Resource Management Plan for the Primary Zone,” effectively halting urban encroachment into the Delta.

I’ve also fought against the peripheral canal, twin tunnels, and everything in between. While that war is never over, we’ve won every battle for over 20 years.

To safeguard our communities and state water supply, I've pushed for innovative flood risk management and financing, strengthening not just our farmer-built levees but our entire Delta islands.

Our journey didn't stop there. I helped launch the Great California Delta Trail and secured the Delta National Heritage Area - California's only national heritage area. Our waterways, once under threat, now thrive with recreation like fishing, boating, hiking, and swimming.

I’ve also tirelessly advocated for our Delta's towns, championing economic sustainability programs that promote tourism and agriculture. We've come a long way, but our work is far from over. Together, we'll continue to stand with our Delta communities, preserving the unique heritage and vitality that make this region so special.

Paid for by Cabaldon for Senate 2024 • FPPC ID# 1459632

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