In the second installment of SummerInSights, we encourage you to explore the following investigations, hand-picked by our editorial team for their first-rate field reporting and their compelling writing.
Today, in our final special:
We examine Colombian community leaders’ efforts to promote peace-building programs despite threats and attacks from drug traffickers.
We explore the haunting experiences of a cartel bodyguard in Mexico who gets caught up in a narco-war.
And we delve deep into drug trade corruption in the Dominican Republic amid the country’s moves to uproot illicit networks.
Community leaders in Colombia's Putumayo department have historically supported coca substitution programs as part of peace processes aimed at resolving the country's long-running civil conflict. But they put their lives at risk by betting on change and seeking new opportunities for the department, where ex-FARC mafia factions earn huge profits from drug trafficking. This story tells how leaders in Putumayo face these challenges.
We went to the Colombian town of Tibú on the border with Venezuela to investigate one of the worst waves of violence ever seen in the area. Women were being targeted with threats and violence, possibly due to suspicions they had been recuited as police informants. This investigation is exemplary of our reporting on gender and organized crime as well as our coverage of Colombian armed groups like the ELN and the ex-FARC mafia.
This story looks at how the Dominican Republic became a crossroads for the transnational cocaine trade between North America, South America, and Europe, involving local kingpins, international drug traffickers, and venal politicians.
We go into the field to interview, report and investigate. We then verify, write and edit, providing the tools to generate real impact in fighting organized crime. Support our work.
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