HEADLINES: Trump in Trouble | Bernie vs. Big Oil | Ohio Abortion Fight | Bernie Endorses Regunberg | Gilliard for SC Senate | Seattle Victories | & MORE!
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As Donald Trump is indicted for the third time and more charges pile up, he continues to poll better than at any point in his previous runs and polls show him tied with President Biden for 2024.
There’s a serious risk we could face another Trump term in 2024 — unless Democrats are able to deliver tangible results for working people to earn trust and votes.
That’s why Our Revolution and our allies are working overtime to unify the progressive movement and focus our pressure on key demands like student debt relief, an end to medical debt, and urgent climate action.
Our movement is critical to defeating the far right and advancing people-centered policies to address the many crises facing our country. If you’re not already a monthly member of Our Revolution, sign up today!
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Bernie Sanders is leading a charge of Senators calling on the DOJ to prosecute Big Oil for their decades of lies to deny science and cover up their climate crimes — all while raking in record profits.
Last year we supported Rep. Ro Khanna as he grilled fossil fuel execs under oath. Just like Big Tobacco, which has paid $206 billion dollars for lying to the public about the dangers of smoking, Big Oil is next.
Stand with Bernie: Tell the Attorney General to prosecute polluters NOW!
Meanwhile, as climate chaos rages across the globe, Joe Manchin and his Big Oil buddies are pushing the President to greenlight more fossil fuel projects and eyeing upcoming must-pass legislation like the Farm Bill to sneak in their dirty deals.
Our Revolution and allies like Greenpeace are working together to demand the Biden Administration to declare a climate emergency and use its power to stop Big Oil’s climate denial before it’s too late.
We can’t let carbon cronies gut our bedrock environmental laws, exclude the public from democratic input on projects, and build their polluting projects anywhere they want.
It’s going to take organized grassroots activism to overcome the deep pockets and ruthless tactics of his corporate overlords.
Can you chip in to our Climate Action Fund ASAP?? Give now and we’ll send you our “Stay Cool, Stop Fossil Fuels” drink koozie.
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Our Revolution members are taking a stand against student debt. Nine of our activists spoke courageously at the recent Department of Education hearing, sharing their stories and demanding action.
“My government is making money off of me,” Our Revolution member Lisa Rapaszky said at the hearing. Lisa owes more than $30,000 in student loan debt. “It's just too much.”
Student debt payments are set to restart at the end of next month — causing economic havoc in the midst of an affordability crisis — and our movement is ramping up the pressure.
As Ro Khanna explained on our recent Debt Town Hall, President Biden can still use his executive authority to cancel debt, pause payments, and crack down on predatory lending practices — and 43 million of us and our families are counting on it.
"The President should cancel student debt in the Higher Education Act. He should zero out the accounts,” Ro told us on Monday. “If the Supreme Court rules against us then let’s see if they’ll actually enforce the collection of debt that has already been canceled.”
You can help! Share your story of how restarting student debt will affect you and your family.
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Our Rev members in Maryland turned out to show support for One Fair Wage last week with Montgomery Co. Exec. Marc Elrich and Councilors Will Jawando and Kristin Mink to uplift the fight for fair wages for restaurant workers ahead of new legislation to be unveiled next month.
In Chicago, Mayor Brandon Johnson joined us for a Server for a Day event to pass an $18 an hour minimum wage for all workers in the city.
Organizers have worked hard to get these bills on the table, and now we’ve got one month to make the push and get them passed.
In Ohio and Arizona, Our Revolution has teams canvassing for signatures for petition drives that will put a $20+ MINIMUM WAGE directly on the ballot in 2024.
Not only will this motivate our voters to the polls, but it will mean millions of people getting a long overdue pay raise so they no longer have to choose between rent and groceries.
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Right now in Ohio, anti-abortion politicians and their billionaire buddies are trying to change the state constitution with a special election on Tuesday to block a November ballot measure to protect abortion rights.
They have spent millions in taxpayer dollars to call this special election to change the rules because they know most Ohioans oppose the state’s extreme abortion ban and would vote to undo it.
The August 8th special election is being held at the last minute in the dead of summer in hopes that most folks won’t know it’s happening — so we must mobilize as many Ohio voters to the polls on Tuesday as possible.
If they’re successful here, this will become the template to tear down democracy and abortion care in other states. Pitch in a donation to fund our critical GOTV work in Ohio!
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More than 650,000 American workers are threatening to go on strike this summer — or have already done so — in an avalanche of union activity not seen in the US in decades.
Actors and writers strikes in Hollywood are already a once-in-a-generation event. And, Unions for United Parcel Service and Detroit’s Big Three automakers could join them.
“In terms of workers in America who still have the ability to change their conditions, these are three of the top 10,” Our Revolution Board Chair Larry Cohen told Bloomberg.
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As the 2024 presidential race heats up, Our Revolution is building our war chest to make sure progressives pick up more House and Senate seats — including replacing corporatists like Kyrsten Sinema in Arizona.
Our voter mobilization strategy has been battle-tested against billionaire SuperPACs — we’ve helped elect 1000 candidates and won 2 out of 3 races we’ve endorsed in. Pitch in today to grow our war chest for 2024 and beyond!
We’re also not losing focus on important special elections and down-ballot races from Rhode Island to South Carolina to Ohio.
Read more below!
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State Rep. Wendell Gilliard is running for State Senate in South Carolina — and Our Revolution is ramping up our voter turnout operation to win the September 5th special election!
Gilliard kicked off his campaign this summer with an economic justice bus tour and led a rally for higher wages with Bernie Sanders in Charleston. Watch this powerful clip of Rep. Gilliard here.
He was a 2020 campaign co-chair for Bernie and state director in South Carolina, and like Bernie, he has been a champion of working people for decades.
Gilliard was a union leader for 15 years, a Charleston City Councilor for 11 years, and a member of the SC House for 15 years — where he has worked to make our neighborhoods safer, bring in good-paying jobs, and reform our criminal justice system.
On Wednesday, he joined a call with our phone bank team, and talked about his goals for the State Senate, where he’ll continue the fight for economic justice and affordable housing, and an end to gun violence.
“We need a voice not afraid to speak truth to power,” Wendell said. “They want this seat so they can keep power in Columbia and not in your hands. They want to control the money, jobs, and opportunities.”
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Bernie Sanders just endorsed progressive climate champion Aaron Regunberg for the Sept 5 special election in Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District.
Aaron is running to succeed David Cicillini and hold RI-1 for progressives and the working class. Electing Aaron means protecting the largest progressive caucus in Congressional history.
In Congress, he will be a yes vote for Medicare for All, ending medical debt, passing universal childcare, and more.
This will come down to voter turnout and we have the numbers to win. We have one month to mobilize 15,000 Our Revolution supporters in Aaron’s district — so let’s get to work!
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VICTORY! All three of Our Revolution-backed candidates in Seattle are leading the vote counts after Tuesday’s primary!
Teresa Mosqueda and Jorge Baron are in the lead for King County Council seats, along with Tammy Morales for Seattle City Council, and the trio appear to be heading to the general election in November.
Each of them have shown they will have our back and fight for progressive values. Thank you to the support and activism of Our Revolution members in Washington whose democratic input and activism made these wins possible!
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Climate chaos is ravaging the globe, but we must keep our cool and put the heat on climate criminals and their puppets in government.
That’s why Our Revolution is working with our allies in office and organizing our massive climate coalition to bring pressure to bear ahead of 2024.
Make sure our climate team has the resources needed to fight back. Pitch in a donation of $10 ($5 if you’re already a monthly member), we’ll send you this iconic new Bernie sticker as our thanks.
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