From Team Schrier <>
Subject 🚨“July was the world's hottest month, in an era of climate records”
Date August 5, 2023 8:00 PM
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The Washington Post: July was the world's hottest month, in an era of climate records

If you agree more action is needed to combat climate change NOW, add your name today >> [link removed]

July ended as the hottest month on record, john.

In Florida, ocean temperatures reached 101.2° – the temperature most hot tubs are set at. In Arizona, many saguaro cacti, known for their ability to weather the arid heat, died as temperatures rose to 110° degrees for over 25 days.

And right here in Central Washington, we will see more wildfires, earlier growing seasons, warmer temperatures in our tributaries, and more species becoming extinct.

Kim knows climate change is the greatest moral and existential issue of our time, and we only have a few years to make major changes before we see irreversible and profound damage to our environment.

That’s why Kim helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, which makes the single largest investment in climate solutions ever, and the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which included provisions she championed to make our forests more resilient to wildfires, protect our rivers and streams, and more.

But to combat climate change, we have more work ahead of us.

If you agree, we need to recommit to combating climate change and protecting our environment, join Kim by signing your name today >>

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Team Schrier

To win back the House majority, we must re-elect Rep. Kim Schrier in WA-08. Will you chip in to protect Kim's seat and reclaim the House majority in 2024?

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Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
PO Box 2728
Issaquah, WA 98027
United States

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