There’s huge news in the race to defeat Lauren Boebert. We have an historic opportunity to finally end Lauren Boebert’s political career and defeat one of the ringmasters of the extreme, angertainment circus in Washington.


There’s huge news in the race to defeat Lauren Boebert.

FIRST: In 2022, Adam Frisch lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country!

THEN: Adam announced he’s running again in 2024, giving us our best chance ever to finally kick Boebert out of Congress.

AND NOW: After the first poll showed another TIE – 45% to 45% – the race was officially upgraded to "TOSS-UP," and we’re just $12,036 away from hitting our critical goal of raising another $75,000 for Adam’s campaign to help him win!

This is it. We have an historic opportunity to finally end Lauren Boebert’s political career and defeat one of the ringmasters of the extreme, angertainment circus in Washington.

Adam can win, but the attacks from Boebert’s allies have already started. He’s not taking a dime of corporate PAC money, so we’re counting on grassroots donors like you to give now if we’re going to defeat Lauren Boebert:

Please, click here right now and chip in $5 or more – every dollar you can afford – to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Nothing will feel better than watching Lauren Boebert lose on Election Night – and knowing you were a part of it all from the start.

Thank you,

Team Frisch