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Saturday, August 5, 2023

Hello! In this issue:

  • We return to our series Mississippi Goddam.
  • We go deep on the global scramble for water.
  • Check out a Q&A on how we investigated false reporting arrests.
  • Two of our recent investigations have earned some new accolades. 


Mississippi Goddam Episode 1: The Promise

A Black teenager with short-cropped hair looks into the camera, holding a football and wearing a Rebels jersey in a football stadium.
Billey Joe Johnson Jr. Credit: Courtesy of the Johnson family

Billey Joe Johnson Jr. was a high school football star headed for the big time. Then, early one morning in 2008, the Black teenager suffered a fatal gunshot wound during a traffic stop with a White deputy. His family’s been searching for answers ever since.

Reveal host Al Letson first learned about Johnson when he was in Lucedale, Mississippi, to report on the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. But some folks there wanted to talk about Johnson and how the law enforcement narrative of his death never made any sense. Letson left knowing he had to look into Johnson’s suspicious death.

Over the next seven weeks, we’re revisiting our award-winning series Mississippi Goddam. With a title inspired by Nina Simone’s civil rights anthem, we weave the history of the criminal justice system with Johnson’s case.

In the first episode, Letson returns to Mississippi with reporter Jonathan Jones to explore what happened to Johnson – and what justice means in a place haunted by its history.

Listen to the episode
🎧 Other places to listen: Apple PodcastsSpotify, Google PodcastsStitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.


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A Quote to Remember

"You just take and take and take. And pretty soon, there isn’t anything to take."

Wayne Wade fell in love with the desert in La Paz, Arizona, but he quickly found himself at the center of the global scramble for water. He and others were forced out as their wells went dry.

And as wells run dry, there’s a race for profits.

Listen: The Great Arizona Water Grab (Reveal)
Learn more: The Grab (Center for Investigative Reporting Studios)

In Case You Missed It

🎧 They Followed Doctors' Orders. The State Took Their Babies.
🎧 It's Not Easy Going Green

More From Us

Reporter Rachel de Leon and filmmaker Nancy Schwartzman hosted a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session. Check it out here, and watch our documentary, Victim/Suspect, now streaming on Netflix. 

Ending on a Good Note

🏆 The Third Coast Festival/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation awards are out, and Reveal was honored with two finalist nods: for After Ayotzinapa, produced in partnership with Kate Doyle of the National Security Archive, and My Neighbor the Suspected War Criminal. Check out all the honorees here.

This issue of The Weekly Reveal was written by Kate Howard and edited by Nikki Frick. If you enjoyed this issue, forward it to a friend. Have some thoughts? Drop us a line with feedback or ideas!
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