We’re closing in on Election Day and the momentum continues to build. Heather and I wanted to share a few things that you can do to help us finish strong on Tuesday.

1. Text and Make Calls to your family and friends.
Making calls or texting is one of the most important parts of reaching out to voters and encouraging them to support Robert. It's something you can do from home, and any amount of time is helpful.

2. Post a Personal Message on Social Media
Having your support on social media will help encourage your friends & family to find out more about our campaign and help spread our message. Be sure to use #TeamFoster on your posts.

3. Contribute Financially
As I'm sure you know, running a statewide campaign is expensive. It's been incredible to see the financial support from across the country when we made national headlines two weeks ago. If you are able to help us finish strong financially, please donate here.

4. Tell your neighborhood and co-workers
We've traveled all across this great state the last 9 months, but I haven't been able to be everywhere. You can help us by campaigning to your neighbors and/or co-workers and letting them know to vote Tuesday for #TeamFoster.

5. Continue to Pray for Us
As a man who puts his faith in Christ, I know the power of prayer. Heather and I covet your prayers as we continue to spread our message before Tuesday. Please continue to pray that Heather and I will continue to seek and find the Lord's understanding and that his will be done in all we do.

6. Work your voting precinct Tuesday
We are out of signs (which is a good sign), but we still need help from volunteers who would be willing to work their local voting precinct during the morning (7-8), Lunch, and afternoon. You can use your yard sign at the precinct, since we are out.

Heather and I are beyond grateful for the warm welcome you have shown us since we started this campaign nine months ago - my biggest challenge yet. Like so many of you, we love Mississippi and believe, with my vision and your help, we can make our state an even better place to live, start a business, hire an employee, and call home.
Thank you for following us on this journey,

12 West Commerce Street #295
Hernando, MS 38632