Elect Katie Hobbs

We’re back with another edition of Hear It From Hobbs, our newsletter with the latest headlines about Governor Hobbs and her administration’s work. Were you forwarded this email by a friend? Sign up to continue receiving our biweekly newsletter here!
We hope you’ll take a few minutes to read these updates, but if you’re short on time, you can show your support for the Governor by pitching in now:

AZ Republic: Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs is turning out to be quite the dealmaker

In order to deliver on her promise to get things done for Arizonans, Katie is no stranger to tough negotiations and deal making. That’s how she was able to pass Arizona’s bipartisan state budget, and make strides in building an Arizona for everyone, even with a Republican-controlled legislature.

Taking care of Arizona: All summer long

A tweet from Katie Hobbs saying 'Today, I sent a letter to Arizona's utility companies asking for written plans outlining how they will protect Arizonans during this devastating heat wave, and inviting them to discuss how we can work together to better prepare for the future.'

Navajo-Hopi Observer: Governor Hobbs attends opening day of council’s summer session

Katie joined members of the Navajo Nation Council on the opening day of their summer session to assure that their voices will be heard at Arizona’s state legislature, reaffirming her commitment to ensure all Arizonans have a seat at the table when it comes to making important decisions to better our state.

Fair wages and safe working conditions: What every hard-working Arizonan deserves

A tweet from Katie Hobbs saying 'Just got off the phone with Teamsters Local 104 to congratulate them on reaching a deal with UPS. These hardworking Arizonans make our everyday lives possible, and they deserve fair wages and safe working conditions. I will always support Arizona's workforce and the people who wake up every morning ready to serve our state.'

AZ Republic: Gov. Hobbs visits Phoenix dual language programs under attack by School Chief Tom Horne

Dual language programs are essential to ensuring children are able to learn without language barriers holding them back and to ensuring Arizona’s children are prepared for the jobs of the future. Katie doubled down on her support of these important programs after School Chief Tom Horne targeted these very programs.

Fox 10: Gov. Hobbs demands answers over potential ESA data breach

Katie is making sure transparency and accountability are at the forefront of the ESA data breach and is using her authority as Governor to demand answers from those involved.

Supporting Arizona’s veterans: Eliminating barriers to access their well-earned benefits

A tweet from Katie Hobbs saying 'I was proud to sign this bill and support Arizona veterans. Those who put their lives on the line for our country deserve the best and I will continue working to ensure they get what they need.'

As always, thank you for taking the time to read these updates. Forward this email to a friend to help spread the word! We’ll be in touch soon with more of the latest news.

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our #AZforEveryone and Juntos merch — click here to shop, and show your support for Katie and a brighter, more inclusive Arizona:

A gif showing tote bags, shirts, stickers, and more from the Katie Hobbs store.



Team Hobbs