News from Representative Allred

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February 20, 2020

Dear John,

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities, as they create jobs and power our local economy. That's why as your Congressman, I am working to ensure that our local small businesses can succeed. 

Last year, Richardson business owner Evan contacted my office for help. He was opening a restaurant and distillery and applied for the proper permits from the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. But because the government shutdown at the beginning of 2019 delayed processing for permit applications, he faced a 150 day wait. 

I was able to help Evan by asking the Bureau to expedite the processing of his permits, and he was able to open his business. This week, I had the pleasure of visiting his new restaurant and distillery, Lockwood Distilling Company. It was wonderful to see how Evan and his family have been contributing to our community and to meet some of his happy customers.


Rep. Allred with Evan and his family at Lockwood Distilling Company. Read his story here.

One of the most important parts of my job is helping you navigate and resolve issues with federal agencies. If you need help with a federal agency or have questions, please contact my office at 972-972-7949, or send me an email.

I also invite you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram so you can keep up with the work I am doing for North Texans and other upcoming events.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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