Dear John,

Thinking about submitting a panel or training for Netroots Nation? I wanted to give you a few tips and remind you that the last day to submit is Friday, February 28.

Ready to submit now? Then just click here to get started.

You can submit on any topic, but here are some of the areas we’re looking to emphasize this year:

  • Strategic conversations about how we'll work together as a movement to win in 2020, from local races to the White House
  • Sessions about how to govern and enact progressive policies after we've won
  • Content on how we will maintain a healthy, inclusive and sustainable movement that centers those closest to injustice
  • Panels focusing on the intersections of racism and electoral justice, environmental justice/climate change and disability justice
  • Trainings that help new activists grow into successful organizers and candidates
  • Advanced trainings that focus on cutting-edge tools and techniques

While some of our content will focus on what's happening between August and the November election, we also want our agenda to include opportunities to think long term. We want to provide space to brainstorm and think big.

As you prepare your submission, here are a few things to consider:
  • How will your panel empower others to take what they've heard and use it in their own work?
  • How will your session help move progressive ideas forward or make progressive policies a reality?
  • We prioritize sessions that include speakers from marginalized communities and local voices. Proposals that offer a range of diversity (ethnicity, gender, age, viewpoint, geography, etc.) are favored over sessions that don’t.
  • By submitting a proposal, you're taking responsibility as the organizer of the panel. We’ll help you along the way, but ultimately this is your baby.

Can't wait to see your ideas!
Eric Thut
Netroots Nation
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