From Muslim Council of Britain <>
Subject 💷 Banks, 🚤 immigration, 🥇 awards and 🕌 affiliates
Date August 4, 2023 7:45 PM
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Your August Newsletter

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MCB Campaigns and Advocacy
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The MCB has urgently alerted top UK officials about the unexplained closure of bank accounts owned by Muslim individuals and organisations.

This issue has persisted over a decade, with inadequate transparency and redress options.

Our letter stressed the ongoing neglect by successive governments to tackle this serious concern, despite the clear pattern of banks withdrawing services from British Muslims.

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Our impact: policy & advocacy
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Joint civil society statement on the passage of the Illegal Migration Act, July 2023

As a coalition of 290 organisations representing human rights, we condemn the passage of the Illegal Migration Act, and stand in solidarity with all who will be affected.

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The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has written to Chief Constable Rob Nixon QPM, regarding the recent NPA Commanders Award for Recognition of service given to Dhirendra Shastri.

Mr. Shastri’s public image as someone who promotes divisive and harmful views to Muslim communities goes against the essence of fostering unity and harmony.

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Our community engagement -
meeting our affiliates
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MCB congratulates its affiliate, the Muslim Community Association, on the delivery of their Community Service Awards

Given the pervasiveness of Islamophobic sentiment, issuing these awards, is more necessary than ever.

It is important that we recognise and celebrate those that actively help foster a sense of belonging, trust, respect and togetherness within, and between, communities
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Building partnerships - relationship building
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MCB Secretary-General attends Armed Forces’ Eid celebrations at RAF Northolt

Heartfelt reflections on Hajj by AFMA Champion Air Marshal Martin Sampson and Gp Capt Jon Hough were most appreciated.

Endorsed by the MCB, Imam Ali Omar Ali, Squadron Leader and the first imam to receive a commission in the Royal Air Force, also shared some poignant reflections.

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MCB Secretary-General attends inaugural Butcher’s Hall Eid Reception

MCB Secretary-General joined celebrations for Eid-al-Adha at Butchers’ Hall, as keynote speaker for their first ever, Eid Al Adha reception.

The event recognised the contributions and efforts from those across the halal meat sector, now a great contributor to the UK economy.

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Coming up
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⟶ Register your Mosque today! ([link removed])
MCB in the Media
📁 Banks accused of closing accounts belonging to British Muslims ([link removed])

📁 Call for review as ‘British Muslims disproportionately affected by de-banking’ ([link removed])

📁 Nigel Farage row: UK banks accused of 'disproportionately' targeting Muslims ([link removed])

📁 The Muslim Council of Britain said there must be universal banking rights, irrespective of religious or cultural backgrounds and political views. ([link removed])
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