From Disqualify Trump (via MoveOn) <[email protected]>
Subject Will you sign the petition to remove Trump from the Republican presidential debate NOW for inciting a deadly insurrection?
Date August 4, 2023 7:04 PM
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[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition to remove multi-indicted Donald Trump from the
Republican presidential debate for trying to overturn the 2020 election by
inciting a deadly insurrection on January 6!

Dear MoveOn member,

A federal grand jury has just indicted Trump for his attempts to overturn
the results of the 2020 election.^1 And even though Trump incited a
deadly, white supremacist-led insurrection on January 6, 2021, Trump is
still running for president in 2024, and Republicans continue to enable
him by allowing him to participate in the Republican presidential debate.

No candidate who incited an insurrection and has been charged for
attempting to overturn election results should be considered a legitimate
candidate or given a platform to spout conspiracies and lies. [ [link removed] ]Will you
sign the petition to demand that the Republican National Committee remove
Trump from the first GOP debate in August?

[ [link removed] ][IMG]

Trump continues to promote lies about the election even though evidence
shows he knows he lost—he's doing this to rile up his base, incite further
violence, undermine trust in our democracy, and enrich himself.^2 Enough!
The Republican National Committee must disinvite Trump from participation
in the first Republican National Committee debate in August NOW.

[4]Sign the petition

Before this federal charge for attempting to overturn the 2020 election
results, Trump had already been indicted on two sets of charges. He faces
federal charges for stealing classified documents and refusing to return
them to the government when requested.^3 He’s also been charged on the
state level for violating campaign finance laws and sending hush money
payments to Stormy Daniels to silence her, and more state charges are
imminent.^4 Additionally, a recent jury trial found him liable for sexual

So allowing the thrice-indicted Trump to participate in the first
Republican debate would give him legitimacy that he does not deserve or

[ [link removed] ]This is why Republicans need to remove Trump from the Republican
presidential debate NOW. Will you add your name to the petition?

Trump is not above the law. He must be held accountable for all of the
crimes he’s committed against the American people. But he has used his
legal woes to rake in tens of millions of dollars from donors, much of
which he is using in self-serving ways that fly in the face of campaign
finance laws.^6 He is conning donors and voters and has made clear he will
continue to break the law.

MAGA Republicans continue to threaten our freedoms at every chance they
get and are willing to hold on to power for themselves by any means
necessary. To maintain any credibility as a national party, the Republican
National Committee should not give credence to the idea that Donald Trump
is a legitimate candidate. Because he is not.

[ [link removed] ]Click here to add your name to this important petition, and then pass
it along to three friends to spread the word.

Thanks for all you do.

–Kelsey, Gabi, Allison, Alexis, and the rest of the team


1. "Trump sought to ‘exploit the violence and chaos’ of Jan. 6 with lies,
indictment says," CNBC, August 1, 2023
[link removed]

2. "Fact check: Trump, in 2023, tells a new lie about the 2020 election,"
CNN, May 2, 2023
[link removed]

3. "Former President Donald Trump's second indictment, annotated," CNN,
June 9, 2023
[link removed]

4. "The new revelations — and key questions — in the Trump indictment,"
Politico, April 4, 2023
[link removed] 

5. "Donald Trump sexually abused and defamed E. Jean Carroll, jury says,"
CNBC, May 10, 2023
[link removed]

6. "Trump Rakes in Over $15 Million in Post-Indictment Fundraising Haul,"
Newsweek, April 15, 2023
[link removed]

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you.
It was created on, where anyone can start their own online
petitions. You can [ [link removed] ]start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Book bans have skyrocketed thanks to
right-wing state laws which have forced teachers to remove books from
their classrooms. In response, MoveOn is launching a "Banned Bookmobile,"
filling it with books that the far right has banned, and driving it around
to hand out those books, for free, in highly trafficked areas that will
attract media attention. To keep the Banned Bookmobile up and running into
2024, we need your help.

Will you chip in to power our critical work?

[ [link removed] ]Click here to chip in $3, or whatever you can afford.


PAID FOR BY MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, [ [link removed] ][link removed]?.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. MoveOn Political
Action - PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

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