Dear Friend,
I am committed to building a Michigan where everyone can live a safe, healthy life.
That’s why earlier this week I signed a historic bipartisan budget that makes key investments to strengthen health care access, close equity gaps, and make Michigan the best place to raise a family.
Let’s talk about how the 2024 budget makes meaningful investments in health care to support families, expand access, and improve outcomes.
Supporting Families
- $56.4 million to fund Healthy Moms, Healthy Babies, a bipartisan initiative that supports pregnant women, new mothers, and infants to help make Michigan a state where you can decide when to start a family and have the support you need to have a safe pregnancy, delivery, and infancy.
- $10 million to create a new foster care respite care program to provide temporary, occasional relief to foster parents.
- $6.2 million to fund the Medicaid Plan First! program, expanding access to family planning services and cancer screening and saving 25,000 Michiganders an average of $2,000.
Expanding Access
$279.7 million to expand Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics which serve anyone who requests care for mental health or substance use, regardless of their ability to pay.
$150.6 million to increase reimbursement rates for Medicaid services to improve enrollee access to necessary health care.
$4.9 million over 2 years for Double-Up Food Bucks, boosting access to fresh fruits and vegetables for Michiganders on food assistance.
Improving Outcomes
$49.5 million to implement recommendations from the Racial Disparities Task Force, including neighborhood health grants, mobile health units, sickle cell support and more.
$140.1 million to increase wages for direct care workers and other staff assisting those with disabilities and seniors who require home-based and nursing home services and support.
$25 million increase in support to local health departments to provide essential services.
Every Michigander deserves access to high quality, affordable health care, and we will continue to do everything in our power to make that goal a reality.
We are on the way to a healthier and stronger Michigan and together, we will help anyone ‘Make it in Michigan’.

Gretchen Whitmer