*Soup Nazi vibes* No Social Security for you!
Sorry to anyone born after 1973, but Republicans are coming for your Social Security benefits. Instead of taxing the wealthiest Americans to keep Social Security financially solvent, Republican presidential hopefuls like Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis decided that they would rather see people struggle in the future. Interesting campaign strategy to make the rising electorate hate you, but okay!
Unsurprisingly, voters don’t want to work hard their entire lives just to receive the short end of the Social Security benefits stick. Data for Progress finds 82% of voters oppose cutting future Social Security benefits for Americans under 50. This includes 84% of Democrats, 80% of Independents, and 83% of Republicans. Republicans and Democrats may not agree on a lot, but we can come together on the injustice of Boomers receiving benefits that Millennials and Gen Z won’t.

Republicans may argue that these cuts to Social Security are necessary to ensure Social Security remains financially solvent, but Democrats have a different (and better!) plan for that! Implementing the Social Security Expansion Act or Social Security 2100 would allow us to keep Social Security afloat by increasing taxes on wealthy Americans — a plan that 74% of voters vibe with! In fact, 83% of Democrats, 76% of Independents, and 63% of Republicans would rather see wealthy Americans taxed to save Social Security than have benefits cut for future generations.
Read the full blog and polling here.
Here are some other highlights from DFP this week:
Bidenomics is the word (it’s got groove, it’s got meaning).
Between Barbie, the Renaissance World Tour, and the Eras Tour, women are running the economy this summer. You’re welcome! However, the Barbies have agreed to give some credit to one Ken — Joe Biden. (You are Kenough btw)
Data for Progress and Climate Power find that after voters read about progress made under the last two years of Bidenomics, 57% of voters supported President Biden’s economic agenda. This includes 92% of Democrats and 54% of Independents. We’re still working on breaking 70% of Republicans out of the Reaganomics spell.

Voters also support the benefits that Bidenomics offers workers and the middle class. We find 71% of voters agree that building clean energy infrastructure with Made in America goods and jobs will lay the foundation for long-term economic growth. Sixty-five percent agree that investing in new clean energy will support thousands of Americans and their families with good-paying jobs.
So don’t worry! If you didn’t get that $55 million Eras tour bonus, Joe Biden still has your back!
Read the full blog and polling here.
Barbie’s pink corvette followed the new EPA light-duty vehicle rules.
Soooo we’ve been kind of an asshole to Mother Earth, but don’t worry! We’re trying to make up for that! The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently proposed a new rule that would limit vehicle pollution for both heavy-duty and light-and medium-duty vehicles. We were planning on Citibiking our way to saving the planet, but this sounds great too! Thanks EPA!
Data for Progress finds 64% of voters support the new EPA standards, including 81% of Democrats, 62% of Independents, and 48% of Republicans. Whether you’re a 17-year-old badly parallel parking a 2009 Honda civic or a parent dragging 4 kids to soccer practice in a minivan, let’s keep those carbon emissions to a minimum!

Voters (68%) are especially supportive of regulations on heavy-duty vehicles, like buses, semi-trucks, and delivery trucks. Could we successfully drive a semi-truck? Absolutely not. But, those who can shouldn’t have to worry as much about their carbon emissions! Even a majority of Republicans (56%) agree that the EPA should implement stricter standards.
While the government may or may not be hiding proof about life on other planets, we don’t need to give up on this one juuuust yet. Cohabitating with aliens should be a last-ditch effort, so let’s implement stricter standards on vehicle pollution to help save the Earth!
Read the full blog and polling here.