
I wanted to personally reach out to ensure you received our message yesterday.

The Biden Border Crisis is spiraling out of control, and it's hitting Texas hard. Just this morning, border patrol agents in La Grulla, Texas reported 1.1k illegal crossings in a 24-hour period. The entire population of La Grulla is roughly 1.2k people.

Biden’s open-border policies directly affect the people of Texas. They jeopardize the security of our communities and the safety of our families. We can’t continue to live like this. We must stand strong and support Gov. Abbott's border security measures.

Will you chip in just $5 to our border security effort?

Texas is stepping up where the federal government has failed us. Our state is leading the way, deploying manpower and implementing barriers to protect our citizens. But we can't do it alone. We need your help to send a powerful message that the people of Texas demand action and security.

As Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, I can't stress enough how important your donation is to our party. Every contribution helps us defend Texas, uphold our shared conservative values, and save America from the disastrous policies of the Biden administration.
Can I count on your support today?

We can't afford to let the Biden Border Crisis continue. Our state's safety, economy, and future are at stake. By donating today, you'll contribute to our efforts to raise awareness, mobilize our grassroots network, and stand united in the face of this challenge.

Let's show our united support for Gov. Abbott and his unwavering commitment to securing our southern border. Join us in this fight!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Matt Rinaldi
Republican Party of Texas

---------Forwarded Message-------
From: Texas GOP
Sent: Thursday, August 3, 2023, at 1:00 PM
Subject: Invasion Declared

BREAKING: 8 Texas Republican Congressmen say they will oppose DHS funding until Secretary Mayorkas is removed from office. "Why would we fund a federal government that is at war with the people of Texas? I will use every tool at my disposal to thwart giving another dollar to this secretary to leave Texas exposed,” said Rep. Chip Roy (R-Austin).
Biden and his appointed Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, have neglected their duty to secure the border, leading to a surge in illegal immigration and threatening our national security. Gov. Abbott has responded to the Biden Border Crisis by declaring an invasion and deploying new tools and strategies to deter and repel illegal crossings. He’s sending a strong message that Texas will use every option to enforce our laws and protect its citizens.

It's time for us all to join our Governor and these eight brave Congressmen by supporting their efforts to secure Texas and protect our families and communities. Will you rush in $5 today to help us spread the word?

"I have a message for our Governor of the great state of Texas, Gov. Abbott. Stay the course. Stand your ground, and continue to defend the great state of Texas," said Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Lubbock). "You're doing what's right. You're doing what's necessary. And you are exercising your constitutional power and authority as a sovereign state leader."

Gov. Abbott is leading the charge, and Texas Congressmen in D.C. are backing him up and bringing reinforcements. Gov. Abbott has deployed law enforcement, constructed a border wall, declared Mexican cartels foreign terrorist organizations, and most recently, implemented floating barriers and razor wire to deter illegal aliens from crossing our border.

If you’re a freedom-loving patriot who supports a secure border, we need your help to fuel our campaign and amplify our message across the state. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will make a real difference in our fight for secure borders and strong leadership. Can we count on your support?
Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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