Weekly Reads
“For the most part, right now, it’s not financial capital issues that are keeping nonprofit leaders up at night; it’s human capital issues. Folks are exhausted and stretched as they strive to meet the needs of the communities they serve, while at the same time struggling with the day-to-day pressures on their teams and wondering how to keep their organizations and their people vibrant and strong.” [more]
Judy Belk, The California Wellness Foundation, for Center for Effective Philanthropy
“And by failing to fund the fight against ableism, progressive funders are failing to help build a truly progressive future. An accessible world, a world where we have power and liberation and dignity regardless of our disability status, is a world where all of us thrive. Workers. Black, Latiné, Indigenous, and AAPI folks. Women. LGBTQ people. Immigrants. Poor people. Families. Everyone.” [more]
Dom Kelly, New Disabled South, for Candid’s Philanthropy News Digest
“Trust-based philanthropy challenges us to focus on cultivating mutual accountability, establishing communication and relationships that allow for the grantee and funder to hold themselves accountable to one another. bi3 has shifted from ‘holding the grantee accountable’ to partnering with grantees to achieve a shared goal of improving health and well-being for all people.” [more]
Why has nonprofit advocacy and public engagement declined over the past 20 years when both are needed more than ever? Independent Sector’s new research report, The Retreat of Influence: Exploring the Decline of Nonprofit Advocacy and Public Engagement, explores the significant drop in nonprofit advocacy. It also examines how nonprofit engagement in advocacy and lobbying interacts with other forms of nonprofit civic engagement. [more]