

The demand for 40 Days for Life continues to be at an all-time high in post-Roe America, as we recently trained a record 500 local leaders in Florida!

A weekend packed with advanced pro-life training, legal training, prayer, and preparation for the upcoming 40 Days for Life campaign opened with a rousing welcome from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

"Your work to fight for life in your communities couldn't be more important," Gov. DeSantis exhorted attendees. "You're making a true difference and impact. Never give up and never back down..."


To watch Gov. DeSantis's message to 40 Days for Life, click the image or visit:

40 Days for Life volunteer Mark Houck then shared the POWERFUL testimony of how the FBI raided his home, chained him to a desk for hours, and falsely charged him with crimes that could have sent him to federal prison for more than a decade.

When it became clear that the DOJ had overplayed its hand, prosecutors offered a plea agreement involving only a misdemeanor and no incarceration at all...

...but Mark courageously risked his freedom--refusing to plead guilty to crimes he didn't commit--to set a precedent that will protect YOUR freedom to peacefully pray in front of abortion facilities for years to come.

The 40 Days for Life Institute of Law & Justice will continue representing Mark as he seeks justice for the weaponized prosecutorial overreach that he and his family suffered at the hands of the Biden DOJ.

Donate to support the Institute of Law & Justice by visiting:


The symposium continued with grassroots activist training from a retired Navy SEAL team leader, former abortion workers including Abby Johnson, clergy, and other experts.

It's our biggest in-person training of the summer...but it won't be our last!

We're going into the most pro-abortion regions of the country to hold workshops to equip and empower 40 Days for Life leaders to save lives in the post-Roe era.

We've already trained hundreds of leaders and team members in San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle this summer...

...and we'll train many more at workshops in Denver and Washington, D.C., before the fall 40 Days for Life campaign begins!

Support these proven and effective workshops by visiting!

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316