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Development of the Sonke Gender Justice 2022/3 Annual Report

Closing Date: 21 August 2023

About Sonke  

Founded in 2006, Sonke Gender Justice is a women’s rights organisation committed to feminist principles, using a rights-based and  gender-transformative approach to achieve human rights and gender justice. Our vision is a poverty-free world in which women, children, men and gender non-conforming individuals enjoy equitable, caring, healthy and happy relationships that contribute to developing gender just and democratic societies. Sonke strengthens governments, civil society and citizens’ capacity to advance gender justice and women’s rights, prevent gender-based violence and reduce the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS, and in this way, contribute to social justice and the elimination of poverty. 


Sonke is looking for a dynamic and highly skilled consultant to document and produce the a comprehensive annual organisational report reflecting Sonke’s work and achievements for the fiscal year 2022/2023. The consultant will be responsible for the write up of  the comprehensive annual report, to be published in both print and digital formats.  The annual report is intended to show-case and inform the donors and potential funders, partners, stakeholders and program participants about Sonke’s work. Also detailing the financial, operational and programmatic performance of Sonke in South Africa and in the region throughout the 22 other African countries.

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