You’re invited! Wednesday, August 23 at 7:15 p.m. ET, we’re hosting a panel discussion on Building Trans Political Power. RSVP today to reserve your spot.

Arena Community,


My name is Mason. I'm an Arena-trained staffer and the Organizing Director for Hood to the Holler -- a Kentucky-based organization fueling a people-centered movement to build power and transform our future.


I’m excited to invite you to a panel discussion Arena and Hood to the Holler are hosting together: Building Trans Political Power, co-moderated by me and June Borst, Arena’s Career Development Associate. Stay tuned for additional panelist and speaker announcements. 


Here are the details
What: Panel discussion on Building Trans Political Power
When: August 23 from 7:15-8:00 p.m. ET 
Where: Zoom

As a trans person, organizer, and former social worker, this conversation is so important to me. Like many Arena Academy-trained staff, I made a career change from social work into movement work when I realized my clients needed more than direct aid -- they need systemic change. 

Today, as attacks on trans rights ripple through state legislatures, schools, and communities across the country, I’ve never been more clear-eyed about the role organizers play in creating systemic change and my desire to build political power for the trans community. 


RSVP to the panel discussion Building Trans Political Power to learn more about this work.

In my political journey, I’ve come to find one of the most effective ways to build political power and protect trans rights is to change who gets to make decisions in our country. 

Most of the state legislators that are enacting the right-wing agenda are put in office by just a few hundred votes and school board members by just dozens of votes. Together, if we organize, we can change hearts, minds, and laws to protect trans rights and all communities under attack. We’ve seen how long-term community organizing can shift the balance of power in states deemed "red" like Arizona and Georgia, and it doesn’t have to stop there.

If you’re eager to connect with a community that’s ready to fight back against attacks on the trans community, join us on August 23 for our panel, Building Trans Political Power. 

RSVP to the panel today!


See you there,

Mason Kalinsky
Arena-trained staff and Organizing Director for Hood to the Holler

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