
There is dignity in work. There is no dignity paying someone $7.25 an hour to do it.

Right now, too many workers across the Commonwealth are struggling to get by because Pennsylvania hasn't raised the wage in more than a decade. As the cost of living has rapidly increased, neighboring states have taken action. But not Pennsylvania.
No matter what your political affiliation, raising the minimum wage is something that we should all be able to get behind. I believe that no one who is working 40-plus hours a week should live in poverty in America — and most Pennsylvanians agree. Nearly 70 percent of those surveyed in a Franklin & Marshall College poll last year believed that Pennsylvania's minimum wage should be higher.

When you don't pay people enough to take care of themselves and their families, we all end up paying for it as a society. So let's do it the right way and finally give workers the raise they've earned.

Join me in calling on legislators in Harrisburg to raise the minimum wage now.

Thank you for taking action on this,


Paid for by Team Fetterman

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