E-Verify The most effective immigration reform... . . .is also our best opportunity We need your support to pass mandatory E-Verify laws Dear John,
Of all immigration reform proposals, E-Verify has the broadest support. We've been explaining to people for years how it's also the most effective. No other reform proposal can do more to keep more illegal immigrants from coming... or send more home. Right now, it's the centerpiece of the best legislation ever voted on to reduce illegal immigration, H.R. 2, which already passed the House of Representatives. Getting it passed in the Senate and signed into law will be a very tall order, at least until the next elections. The other great thing about E-Verify, however, is that Congress already created it. We just need to make sure it gets used by every employer. We can do that at the national level... but we can also do that state by state. We already won a HUGE victory this year in Florida. America needs E-Verify.
John, Pres. Ronald Reagan signed legislation meant to prevent businesses from hiring illegal aliens, but that law has been hindered by identity fraud. E-Verify has been incredibly effective in guaranteeing a legal workforce and reducing the presence of illegal aliens in states which have required most employers to use it. E-Verify is free for employers. There are no new required forms, no fees and no new work authorizations. It simply prevents illegal aliens from stealing your identity by automatically checking existing databases to confirm a newly hired employee's social security number matches the name provided, and can even provide a picture to help reduce identity theft. Mandatory E-verify is very popular with just about every voter demographic. About three-quarters of voters support mandatory E-Verify. Exit polls from the 2022 elections show Hispanics, for instance, support E-Verify 73% to 19%. Democratic Party voters also support it, 57% to 24%. Pretty much the only people in America who don't support E-Verify are those who benefit from an illegal workforce and those who want massive levels of illegal immigration. John, I know you don't like illegal immigration because we've helped you tell that to Congress since 2019. Now, I'm asking for your financial help to focus our national and state-level political discussions on the best way to reduce that illegal immigration. Help us pass mandatory E-Verify for all fifty states.
You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Be well, Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. |