I have a lot to say in this email – but it all comes from the HEART. |
Since the moment I rode down the Golden Escalator at Trump Tower to announce my presidential campaign as a political outsider, the Deep State has put a bull’s eye on my back. |
My private communications were SPIED on, I was slandered by the Fake News, and a dossier was fabricated in an attempt to FRAME me as an asset of the Russian government. |
But then, a line was crossed on August 8, 2022 at 9:00 in the morning when my own home was RAIDED by the FBI and staged to look like a made-for-TV crime scene. |
When the Deep State invades your own home, it’s a sign that our nation has entered uncharted territory and things are about to get far worse. |
The raid on my home was a stern warning from the federal government not to run for president in 2024 – and a sign of what’s to come if I chose to defy their demands. |
I could’ve obeyed. I could’ve said, “I got to be one of only 45 Americans to ever be president. We did a tremendous job in those 4 years. Now, I can just spend the rest of my life by the beach with my beautiful family.” |
But that thought never even crossed my mind. |
I could never turn my back on the country that gave me everything I ever could’ve dreamed of. America will always be worth saving. |
Surrendering our country to tyrannical bureaucrats who’ve become drunk with power never was and never will be an option. |
So, when I announced my re-election campaign in November of 2022, I knew the imminent storm I was walking straight into… |
…I have since been INDICTED THREE TIMES as an innocent man. I’ve been ARRESTED for crimes that I did not commit. And the rabid left-wing prosecutors have signaled that this is only just the beginning. |
They’ve made it clear that their end game is to JAIL ME FOR LIFE as an innocent man. |
Many pundits have remarked that if I were to drop out of the presidential race, the phony charges against me would be dropped and I would be guaranteed to live as a free man. |
But here in America, our liberty is not a bargaining chip. Our freedom doesn’t come from a deal brokered by the government, our freedom is a natural right from God. |
The second we allow our liberty and justice to be used as weapons of extortion, our nation will have forever succumbed to the dark forces of tyranny. |
So, I will address those who are wondering if I would accept a deal with the Deep State and what this THIRD sham indictment means for the fate of our campaign… |
We’ve built the greatest political movement in the history of our country – and I will NEVER ABANDON it. |
We are on a mission to save our country from a corrupt, self-serving ruling class – and I know in my heart, that we will prevail just as we always have, and on November 5, 2024, We The People will be celebrating America’s TRIUMPH OVER TYRANNY. |
Friend, if you are doing poorly due to the very sinister people who are destroying our country, then you can stop reading here. I only wanted to share this note with you. |
But, if you can, never forget that even just $1 has the power to beat Crooked Joe and save America, because your $1 is never alone. It’s backed by millions of other patriots who share your values and love for our country. |