Your voice has the power to make a difference in your community, and in our democracy as a whole.
While many of us associate August with summer winding down and getting ready for back-to-school, it’s also a time when we can make our voices heard the loudest when it comes to important federal legislation. During August, Congress is on recess and members head back to their home states and districts to meet with local community members—they also host town hall meetings with constituents.
Town halls are essential for fostering transparency and accountability in our democracy. There’s been a lot of movement around human needs priorities in recent legislation, and not all of it has been good. With changes in eligibility for SNAP and Medicaid, cuts to TANF, and proposals to cut WIC, Head Start, and many other essential programs, it’s more important than ever for our members of Congress to hear from their constituents. Some of us are directly impacted by these cuts; all should be concerned about the harm they cause to our neighbors and communities.
Our members of Congress need to hear from us directly—and we deserve direct answers. Take action now and send a letter to your representative urging them to hold town hall meetings this August.
Research has shown that the members of Congress who hold the most town halls also introduce the most legislation dealing with meaningful issues—such as housing, nutrition, and health care.1 Town halls are one of the most effective ways lawmakers can craft policies that directly respond to communities’ needs and priorities.
Members of Congress need to hear from you. They need to hear your thoughts on proposed cuts to early childhood learning, housing, and Medicaid. They need to hear why you support cutting waste from the Pentagon and unscrupulous defense contractors in order to invest in vulnerable communities.
Democracy thrives when citizens actively participate in the decision-making process. Your participation is critical in ensuring our representatives in Washington, D.C. remain accountable and responsive to the needs of their constituents.
Click here to send a direct message to your representative urging them to hold town halls in their district this August.
Thank you for all you do to advocate for human needs,
Deborah Weinstein Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs
1 Research: Congressional town halls signal and support effective lawmaking