PFAW Member, After a lengthy investigation and trial involving the criminal activity of Trump's longtime crony, Roger Stone, Trump has openly attempted to influence his sentencing by tweeting about how Stone has been treated "very unfairly." Following the public pressure from Trump to reduce the sentencing, the DOJ REDUCED the recommendation that prosecutors originally made to the court. A flagrant abuse of the justice system. We cannot stand for it. Add your name immediately to demand an investigation into Roger Stone's sentencing recommendations! Thank you, -- Zach ----[previous message]---- PFAW Member, Following a lengthy investigation and conviction of President Trump’s right-hand man, Roger Stone, Trump publicly and vociferously criticized the sentencing recommendation made by career Department of Justice officials after which DOJ leaders withdrew their support for the recommendations and called for a more lenient sentence. This egregious breach of justice has caused EVERY one of the career prosecutors involved in the case to resign from their posts. Now that Trump has gotten away with pressuring a foreign government into investigating his political rivals, he apparently thinks that the law doesn’t apply – to himself or any of his closest allies. Well we’re not going to stand for it. The Department of Justice’s Inspector General should investigate this matter and we are calling on the House Judiciary Committee to demand answers from the Department of Justice as well. This politicization of the Justice Department that should remain independent of such influences undermines the rule of law and all Americans should be alarmed. We must ensure that Trump and his allies are held accountable and remind them that NOBODY is above the law! Thanks for all that you do, -- Zach, PFAW