Please, make a donation of any amount before Trump arrives in Colorado tonight to campaign for my opponent. We're so close to hitting our $250,000 emergency fundraising goal. Your contribution could be the difference: 

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The response to my message yesterday was so incredible and I wanted to share it with you again below. I think it helps explain how important this moment really is for our grassroots campaign. Thanks for all you do. — John 



Hello --

I’m writing to ask you to make a contribution to my Senate campaign today. This is an important moment for our team -- and we need your help. Here’s the situation:

Donald Trump is coming to Colorado tomorrow. He’s hosting a rally and a fundraiser for our opponent as a public thank you for blocking witnesses and voting to acquit him during the impeachment trial.

Here’s the truth: Trump will very likely attack me personally on stage tomorrow evening. Even if he doesn’t, his right-wing allies will raise huge sums of money for Cory Gardner, and they’ll spend it on vicious attack ads attempting to tear me down personally with lies and insults.

That’s why we’re in the middle of an emergency fundraising drive to raise more than $250,000 online from grassroots donors before Trump takes the stage tomorrow. Each dollar helps make sure we’re ready to fight back against whatever Trump and the GOP hurl at us this week.

Make a $10 donation to our campaign before Trump’s Colorado rally tomorrow. Our race is said to be the best shot Democrats have at flipping a GOP Senate seat, so your donation really matters. Chip in now:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donald Trump promised to campaign “a lot” in Colorado for my opponent, and he’s making good on it. But if we’re prepared, we’ll be able to blunt the impact of his attacks and keep on talking about the issues that matter to folks in this state.

Thank you for standing with me,
