3 August 2023


STUB IT OUT Vaping fears are stopping smokers from quitting, campaigners warn

Middlesbrough store shut down and owner fined over illegal vapes


US: 'My neighbours constantly smoke - I fear it'll kill me before it kills them'


STUB IT OUT Vaping fears are stopping smokers from quitting, campaigners warn

Four in 10 now believe e-cigarettes are as harmful or worse than traditional tobacco, according to Action on Smoking and Health.

The figure was up from a third last year, with the charity claiming safety concerns about vapes could hamper the Government’s “Swap to Stop” scheme.

Hazel Cheeseman, Deputy Chief Executive of ASH said: “The Government has backed a vaping strategy as its path to reduce rates of smoking. But this approach will be undermined if smokers don’t try vapes due to safety fears or stop vaping too soon and revert to smoking. The Government must act quickly to improve public understanding that vaping poses a fraction of the risk of smoking.”

Smoking kills around 76,000 every year in England, with many more living with debilitating smoking-related illnesses.

Vaping has been shown to be significantly less dangerous than smoking in the short-term and the NHS recommends using them to quit tobacco.

However, concerns have been raised about rising use in teenagers who have never smoked. While e-cigarettes are the safer option for smokers they are not entirely risk-free, so it is not advised that non-smokers start vaping.

Of the 1.3 million smokers who have never tried vaping, 43 per cent believe it is more harmful or worse than smoking, up from 27 per cent in 2019

Professor Ann McNeill, of King’s College London, said: “Anxiety over youth vaping is obscuring the fact that switching from smoking will be much better for an individual’s health. We must not be complacent about youth vaping and further regulation is needed, but so too is work to ensure more adults stop smoking and vaping is an effective means of doing that.”

Source: The Sun, 3 August 2023

See also coverage in The Times, The Independent, and ASH briefing addressing common myths about vaping and ASH Factsheet on Adult use of e cigarettes 

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Middlesbrough store shut down and owner fined over illegal vapes

A Middlesbrough newsagent caught selling illegal ‘nicotine-free’ vapes has been shut down.

A month-long closure order under anti-social behaviour laws was secured against the store by Trading Standards Officers from Middlesbrough Council’s Public Protection Service. In addition to the closure, the shopkeeper was ordered to pay £941 towards the council’s costs.

A number of vapes were seized from the shop including some labelled as ‘nicotine free’ which were found to contain between 17mg and 20mg of nicotine after tests.

Judith Hedgley, Middlesbrough Council’s head of public protection, said: “Most illicit vapes that we find appear to be designed and marketed at young people but anyone who buys vapes thinking they are nicotine-free but contain nicotine are at risk of developing a nicotine addiction.’’

Mayor Chris Cooke, the council’s executive member for public protection, said: “It is alarming that disposable vapes, especially those that claim to be nicotine-free but are in fact nicotine-based, are specifically designed and aimed at a younger market and therefore must be aimed at getting young people hooked on nicotine.’’

“It is also a great concern that some retailers who trade in our town believe it is ok to sell such illegal products and seek to profit at the expense of the health of young people in Middlesbrough.

“Steps will continue to be taken to identify and deal with rogue traders, seize illicit products and obtain closure orders, as well as prosecuting the worst offenders.”

Source: Talking Retail, 3 August 2023


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US: 'My neighbours constantly smoke - I fear it'll kill me before it kills them'

A frustrated condo owner worries for their health as they are overwhelmed by smoke drifting into their apartment from a downstairs neighbour with a heavy smoking habit.

Sharing their dilemma on Reddit the concerned neighbour asked if anyone has any tips to keep the toxic smoke out, as they explained: "My downstairs neighbour smoke and it's AWFUL. My house always reeks of smoke, they smoke about every 30 minutes, and I often do not open my window now but it's so hot, I run my A/C but the smoke comes through’’

"Looking for any or all tips and tricks although I don't think there is much I can do. We are both owners in a condo and there is no bylaws regarding smoking. We cannot move, I would love to move. We are financially trapped in the condo.’’

The resident had tried to communicate their concerns with smoking neighbour, even attempting to negotiate reduced smoking times, but have not noticed any change in their behaviour. The resident is concerned that constant exposure to second hand smoke over such a long period will have detrimental effects on their health.

"I am already convinced that the second hand smoke will kill me years before the constant smoking kills them," the resident added.

Source: The Mirror, 2 August 2023


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