“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

— James 5:16, ESV

The apostle James reminds us of two key truths — prayer is collective and effective.

Prayer is an essential part of Christian community. We are to pray together, and we are to pray for each other.

Prayer is more than just uttering repetitive words. We serve a God who hears His people. Therefore, prayer has great power even on the days we may question its effectiveness. God is listening and working on our behalf.

What requests do you need to bring before God today? Who is someone you can pray for by name?

Praying for Unto®

Please pray for the ministry as we seek to serve more people and expand ministry into more tough places in the upcoming year. As the fiscal year end approaches, please also pray for God’s provision so we can keep all our commitments to international field staff teams for humanitarian aid and coaching. 

Praying for YOU

You faithfully pray for the ministry and those we serve in the toughest places. We want to pray for YOU! Please reply to this email with your request so our staff members can lift up your needs in prayer.

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