family sending daughter off to college

Now that the school year is approaching, college students all over are making sure they have everything they need to go back to campus. However, many students don't think about what tools they need to support their mental health while at school. Here are some tips for students and parents for this back-to-school season.

parents sending son off to college

Adjusting to life when your teen goes to college

There are tons of resources to prepare high school graduates for college life, but there are not many that address what happens at home with parents once kids have left for school. Adjusting to a new household dynamic without your child can be difficult if you haven’t prepared for it.

How to prepare your teen for college success

The first year of college can be overwhelming for some students, and without the right preparation from both kids and parents, college can be a stressful time. Here are some tips to prepare your teen for college success, making the adjustment to college life easier, safer and far more enjoyable.

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