From Barbara Bry <[email protected]>
Subject Fwd: Would you?
Date February 20, 2020 3:55 PM
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The most valuable thing you can do to end politics-as-usual in San Diego is at your fingertips. By simply telling your network, friends, family, and neighbors WHY YOU support our campaign, you will be contributing something just as valuable as any monetary contribution.

Just like Stan, a local business leader (see below), would you:
* Write an email to your network like the one below? Or...
* Forward this email with a personal note? Or...
* Share on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter?

I don’t play partisan politics. I have a diverse support base. Here are my credentials ([link removed]) and a one-pager about my stance on the issues ([link removed]) facing our city. (Both documents are attached, below).

I will bring a fundamental change to City Hall.

All I need to get there is you.
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Thank you!
Barbara Bry
Candidate for Mayor of San Diego
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Stan Sewitch
Date: Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 3:56 PM
Subject: Vote for Barbara Bry

Fellow San Diego Citizens,

I have known and worked with Barbara Bry ([link removed]) for over thirty years. I knew her when she created Athena ([link removed]) , the professional organization for women in science and technology that has done more to advance women in the field of science, technology, engineering and math than any other organization in this county. I knew her when she was the head of operations for CONNECT ([link removed]) , co-founding the entrepreneurial accelerator, instrumental in the creation and growth of literally hundreds of San Diego companies by connecting entrepreneurs with educational institutions, industry, and financing avenues.

Barbara understands more about what it takes to create economic opportunities ([link removed]) than anyone who has served only as a politician or a public employee. She knows what it means to make payroll, create returns to shareholders, and build for the long term.

And with all of that, she is humble. Her ego doesn’t “eat” her ability to be empathic. Quite the contrary. Her empathy is primary. She cares deeply about the entire community, not just one part or another. She seeks out advice and different perspectives. She has an open mind, interested only in the solutions to seemingly intractable problems, which she will find, no matter what.

I’m voting for Barbara Bry ([link removed]) because she is the best kind of leader, someone who sees that leadership is needed, looks around and there’s literally no one better to step up. She is a servant leader who will do the right thing in our community’s best interest.

I invite you to do your own research ([link removed]) . Then join me in electing Barbara. For our own good.

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DOWNLOAD: Barbara's Credentials ([link removed])

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