Today you can do something for XR and kickstart ongoing change
Graphic saying  Extinction Rebellion with red background

Hello John,

The Government has just announced 100 new North Sea oil and gas licenses, sending ‘a wrecking ball’ through its own climate commitments.1

People at a protest with a sign that says “No more oil and gas”

Granting these licenses is a desperate attempt from a government that is massively unpopular and out of touch. Three quarters of adults in Britain worry about climate change.2 More than 3 billion lives are threatened by our heating planet3 and the effects of a hotter planet are much worse than predicted.4

Pledge your support today. Help XR continue our pivotal role in the fight against the climate crisis. We rely on monthly gifts from supporters like you. 


By becoming a regular donor we can continue to do what’s right. Your action will ensure XR groups across the country can demonstrate the failures of Government, leaders and those driving us towards extinction.

When money is committed to supporting XR, it helps plan ahead. It  means we can deliver our strategy each and every month. You will help to elevate the truth, grow XR with more people like yourself, and take action.

Let’s show the government that more oil and gas is ‘moral and economic madness’.5


Thank you for all your support, 
XR Fundraising Team


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