Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
The Unhinged Left
As you know by now, former President Donald Trump was indicted yet again yesterday evening by Joe Biden’s Special Campaign Manager, I mean Special Counsel Jack Smith. This indictment was long anticipated, ever since Nancy Pelosi’s made-for-TV Stalinist show trial.
In fact, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), who chaired Pelosi’s handpicked committee, is bragging about how that show trial “put significant pressure on the Department of Justice” to prosecute Trump. That almost sounds like he’s admitting to outside political influence on what is supposed to be an apolitical, independent agency.
But with all due respect to Rep. Thompson’s overinflated ego, we know Biden’s Justice Department is anything but apolitical and independent. Merrick Garland, who was blocked from becoming a Supreme Court justice by Donald Trump, didn’t need any prodding or pressure to go after Trump.
Smith hit Trump with four more charges, one of which could result in the death penalty! Assuming execution is off the table, Trump is facing the possibility of 55 years in jail if convicted on all four counts.
That’s in addition to the 460 years he faces for the dozens of charges Smith already filed in the Mar-a-Lago documents case.
Most decent Americans should be able to look at this and come to the conclusion that 500+ years behind bars is more than just a “tad excessive.”
It’s a gross abuse of power, a disgusting overreach by Biden, Garland and Smith, and an obvious attempt to rig the next election!
Trump’s Reaction
President Trump reacted strongly to this latest indictment. His campaign released a statement blasting the indictment as the “latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt by the Biden Crime Family and their weaponized Department of Justice to interfere in the 2024 presidential election.”
The statement went on to compare the prosecution of Trump to the behavior of dictatorial regimes like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.
Legal Analysis
Of course, the radical left erupted in wild applause following Smith’s announcement. The talking heads on CNN and MSNBC were practically popping champagne corks. But more balanced legal experts had serious concerns about what Jack Smith just did to our country.
Constitutional law Professor Jonathan Turley, who is no conservative, said that Smith essentially issued the first ever “criminal indictment for disinformation.” Turley said:
“Many of the things that the prosecutor is charging here is protected speech. . . The most jarring thing about this indictment is that it basically just accuses him of disinformation. . .
“It says that you were spreading falsehoods, that you were undermining the election. That’s all part of the First Amendment, and I think that courts will look at that skeptically.”
Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who is no Trump fan, called the indictment “weak,” adding:
“Congress has not enacted statutes that directly criminalize the behavior that Smith is talking about. . . [Smith] has extravagantly stretched these statues in order to try and capture this behavior.”
Constitutional law Professor Alan Dershowitz, a self-described “liberal Democrat” who voted for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, echoed Turley and McCarthy’s criticisms of Smith’s indictment, saying, “I read the indictment carefully. There is no smoking gun.”
Once again, we are seeing how the neo-Marxist left is attempting to criminalize politics and eliminate our First Amendment rights. I know this will be shocking news to the left, but we are still allowed to have opinions – for now, at least.
A Dangerous Road
If the left really wants to go down this dangerous road, two can play this game.
The left claims that by “not telling the truth about the election” (as the left defines it), Trump essentially defrauded the American people. That’s absurd. (By the way, plenty of Democrats have challenged and questioned the results of our elections!)
So, if this the new standard, then attorneys general in Florida, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas should start charging Democrats who regularly assert all kinds of lies. Things like:
“Men can get pregnant.”
“There’s no human life in the womb, just a clump of tissue.”
“The world will be destroyed in five years from global warming.” (They’ve been saying things like that for decades!)
“The border is secure.”
“Trump colluded with Russia.”
“Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.”
A Few Reminders
No matter how legally weak Smith’s case may be, initially at least, the deck is stacked against Trump.
- Smith is prosecuting Donald Trump in Washington, D.C. – a city that voted 91% for Hillary Clinton and 92% for Joe Biden – numbers that would make Chinese communist dictator Xi Jinping blush!
- The judge selected for this case is an Obama donor, who was appointed to the bench by Barack Obama, and she once worked at the same law firm that employed Hunter Biden and lobbied on behalf of Ukrainian energy company Burisma. And, purely coincidentally I’m sure, she is also known for issuing the toughest sentences in January 6th cases.
- Jack Smith is a hack known for persecuting Republicans. His overzealous prosecution of former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court.
- There’s a clear pattern that strongly suggests prosecutorial abuse and political interference. Four times now, Trump has been indicted within 24 hours of bad news breaking about the Biden crime family.

The Bottom Line
Yesterday was another dark day in America. It’s also a stark reminder of just how unhinged the neo-Marxist left has become and the growing danger it represents to our constitutional Republic. (This is a good time to remind you of my latest column, “Our Fundamentally Transformed Country,” in case you missed it.)
While certain aspects of this can be complicated, there’s only one thing you need to understand: A president of one party is using law enforcement agencies he controls to prosecute a former president of the opposite party and his main political opponent.
This is unprecedented! It has never happened before in our nation’s history!
It stinks on every level, and it puts us in the same category as rogue regimes like communist China, Cuba and Venezuela.
By the way, that’s not entirely coincidental. Biden’s economic policies increasingly resemble those of socialist nations. In fact, one of the leading credit agencies just downgraded America’s bond rating. The last time that happened was in 2011 – during the Obama/Biden era of massive spending.
For those who think all this drama would just go away if Donald Trump just went away, think again.
The neo-Marxist left is determined to “fundamentally transform America,” as Barack Obama put it. After Justice Antonin Scalia unexpectedly died in 2016, the left thought Hillary Clinton was going to do it for them.
But Donald Trump not only stopped Hillary, and he transformed the Supreme Court with three conservative appointments.
Now Joe Biden says he wants to “finish the job,” even if it means putting Trump in jail.
And they will do it to anyone else who threatens the left’s power.
