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CPJ Insider: August 2023 edition


Carlos Martínez de la Serna, CPJ’s program director (left) and Carlos Lauría, CPJ senior consultant, speak at a press conference launching the report “Ecuador on edge” in Quito, Ecuador, on June 28, 2023. (Credit: Fundamedios)

Ecuador on edge: A Q&A with CPJ Program Director Carlos Martínez de la Serna

CPJ traveled to Quito, Ecuador, twice this year amid ongoing conversations with government officials to improve the conditions journalists are facing throughout the country. For this issue of Insider, we spoke with CPJ Program Director Carlos Martínez de la Serna about his travels to Ecuador, the release of our report “Ecuador on edge” this summer, and what CPJ has been able to accomplish. Learn more »

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Fvsaf2HWwAEq1OB.jpgOne-year anniversary of José Rubén Zamora’s imprisonment reignites calls for release

CPJ held a press conference with José Rubén Zamora’s son, José Carlos Zamora; Guatemalan journalist in exile Bertha Michelle Mendoza; and CPJ Program Director Carlos Martínez de la Serna in a discussion moderated by Axios senior media reporter Sara Fischer at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Learn more »


CPJ spoke with journalists in Uganda about the new Anti-Homosexuality Act, which criminalizes same-sex relations. The law contains restrictions against “promoting homosexuality,” and includes fines of up to 1 billion Ugandan shillings (US$269,000). “It is a trap that you eventually walk into,” Lydia Namubiru, editor of The Continent, told CPJ. “You might be punished not because anyone is necessarily outraged because you interviewed an LGBTQ person, but because they are unhappy with your [other] coverage.” 

CPJ's Lucy Westcott writes about her recent travels to Georgia and efforts to push for the release of journalist and 2023 International Press Freedom awardee Nika Gvaramia, as well as the time spent with Gvaramia’s wife, Sofia Liluashvili: “Our visit makes headlines less than an hour later on Mtavari Arkhi’s 3 p.m. bulletin. We watch it on a phone mounted to the car’s dashboard, hurtling down the road back to Tbilisi. Next to us, Liluashvili is running Gvaramia’s Twitter and Facebook accounts, ensuring the visit is fed back out into the world." 

CPJ in the news

D.C. memorial to honor slain Capital Gazette journalists and U.S. commitment to a free press,” The Baltimore Sun

Gunmen wound journalist in Philippines,” AFP

Rights group: Iran leaves 2 journalists in legal limbo to avoid global spotlight,” Voice of America

Free reporter Evan Gershkovich now — he’s been wrongly held in Russia for 100 days,” The New York Post

The path to justice for Shireen Abu Akleh runs through Washington,” Just Security

How Stalin’s control of foreign reporters helped shape Russia coverage today,” The New York Times

Egypt: 10 years on, Sisi's coup continues squeezing country,” Middle East Eye

Ethiopia: Crushing freedom creating fear,” CounterPunch

National newspaper in Mexico says its reporter was killed in western state,” The Associated Press

After 13 months behind bars, Kurdish journalists to stand trial,” Voice of America
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